#Number TR-PDS-2001-005 #Title A Rigorous Proof of $O(n^2)$ Bound on the Number of Moves for Stabilization of Dijkstra's 3-State Algorithm #Author Neeraj Mittal, Vijay K. Garg #Abstract We give a rigorous proof of $O(n^2)$ bound on the number of moves Dijkstra's 3-state self-stabilizing algorithm for token-ring takes to reach a legal state. To our knowledge, ours is the first formal proof of the $O(n^2)$ bound. #Bib @techreport{TR-PDS-2001-005, author = "Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg", title = "A Rigorous Proof of $O(n^2)$ Bound on the Number of Moves for Stabilization of Dijkstra's 3-State Algorithm", instituition = "The University of Texas at Austin", year = "2001", number = "TR-PDS-2001-005", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-2001-005" }