#NumberTR-PDS-2004-001 #Title Self-Stabilizing Spanning Tree Algorithm With a New Design Methodology #Author Vijay K. Garg Anurag Agarwal #Abstract Maintaining spanning trees in a distributed fashion is central to many networking applications. In this paper, we propose a self-stabilizing algorithm for maintaining a spanning tree in a distributed fashion for a completely connected topology. Our algorithm requires a node to process O(1) messages on average in one cycle as compared to previous algorithms which need to process messages from every neighbor, resulting in O(n) work in a completely connected topology. Our algorithm also stabilizes faster than the previous approaches. Our approach demonstrates a new methodology which uses the idea of core and non-core states for developing self-stabilizing algorithms. The algorithm is also useful in security related applications due to its unique design. #Bib @techreport{TR-PDS-2004-001, author = "Vijay K. Garg and Anurag Agarwal", title = "Self-Stabilizing Spanning Tree Algorithm with a new design methodology", instituition = "The University of Texas at Austin", year = "2004", number = "TR-PDS-2004-001", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-2004-001" }