EE 351M Digital Signal Processing [Fall 2024]

Lectures: Tue/Thu 12:30pm-2pm, EER 1.528

Office hours: Tue 10-11am, Thu 2-3pm

Teaching Assistant: John Robertson

Textbook: Oppenheim, Schafer and Buck, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 3rd edition, 2010, ISBN 0-13-198842-5.

Homework policy: There will be roughly weekly homework assignments. Homeworks are to be submitted at the beginning of the class when they are due. You may discuss homework problems with other students, but must submit your own independent solution. For each student, the lowest homework score will not count towards the total homework score. Late homework assignments will not be accepted.

Prerequisite: EE313 Linear Systems and Signals, with a grade of at least C.

Co/pre-requisite: EE351K Probability and Random Processes.

Course topics: Sampling, aliasing, truncation effects; discrete and fast Fourier transform methods; convolution and deconvolution; finite and infinite impulse response filter design methods; Wiener, Kalman, noncausal, linear phase, median, and prediction filters; and spectral estimation.

Course outline (tentative):

  • Review of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
  • z-Transform
  • Sampling and Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals
  • Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
  • Structures for Discrete-Time Systems
  • Adaptive Filtering (LMS Algorithm); Single and Multi-Layer Perceptrons
  • Filter Design Techniques
  • The Discrete Fourier Transform
  • The Fast Fourier Transform
  • Analysis of Signals Using the DFT
  • Discrete-Time Random Signals; Wiener and Kalman Filters

Notice for students with disabilities

Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 471-6259,

Emergency instructions: Classroom evacuation for students

All occupants of university buildings are required to evacuate a building when a fire alarm and/or an official announcement is made indicating a potentially dangerous situation within the building. Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy. Remember that the nearest exit door may not be the one you used when entering the building. If you require assistance in evacuation, inform your instructor in writing during the first week of class

For evacuation in your classroom or building:
  1. Follow the instructions of faculty and teaching staff.
  2. Exit in an orderly fashion and assemble outside.
  3. Do not re-enter a building unless given instructions by emergency personnel.