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- Pedro C. Pinto, Joao Barros, Moe Z. Win, Secure
Communication in Stochastic Wireless Networks, submitted for journal
publication, 2009, preprint available at
- Pedro C. Pinto, Joao Barros, Moe Z. Win, Wireless
Physical-Layer Security: The Case of Colluding Eavesdroppers, Proc.
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT09), Korea, Sep.
2009 (to appear).
- Pedro C. Pinto, Joao Barros, Moe Z. Win, Physical-Layer
Security in Stochastic Wireless Networks, Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS08), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2008,
pp. 17.
- M. Haenggi, "The
Secrecy Graph and some of its Properties," IEEE Intl. Symp. on
Information Theory (ISIT'08), Toronto, Canada, July 2008.
- S. Goel, V. Aggarwal, A. Yener and A. R. Calderbank, " Modeling Location
Uncertainty for Eavesdroppers: A Secrecy Graph Approach," Submitted to ISIT,
Jan 2010