1. Marine Navigation

Investigations on the effect of offshore wind farms on marine navigation have been conducted as early as 2004 in the North Hoyle wind farm of the UK [EU1, EU2] and Horns Rev in Denmark [EU3]. In [EU1], measurements were collected on marine radar, communications and positioning systems by QinetiQ and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. In [EU2], helicopter search and rescue trials were carried out. It was found that the effect of wind farms on radar systems is prominent, while those on communications and positioning systems are minor. In [EU4], effects of wind farms on marine radar in the Kentish Flats offshore wind farm were investigated extensively. It was found that wind farm induced clutter was clearly visible on radar screens. In [EU5], specific guidelines on navigational practices in the vicinity of offshore wind farms were outlined by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency. In the US, studies on offshore wind farm effect on marine navigation have focused on the Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound, MA [US1, US2, US3, US4]. These studies have been commissioned by both the developer of Cape Wind [US3, US4] and the US Coast Guard [US1]. In [US1], it was shown that wind farm induced clutter on radar screens can be modeled through radar simulation, and the simulations resembled the measurements reported in the Kentish Flats study. Subsequently, the US Coast Guard issued an assessment of "moderate risk" in [US2] for the presence of offshore wind farms on marine navigation for Cape Wind.

"Report of the Effect on Radar Performance of the Proposed Cape Wind Project,"
D. Rugger, A. Pieramico and T. Koontz
Technology Services Corporation (TSC) report to the U.S. Coast Guard
Dec. 2008

"U.S. Coast Guard Assessment of Potential Impacts to Marine Radar as it Relates to Marine Navigation Safety from the Nantucket Sound Wind Facility as Proposed by Cape Wind, LLC"
Jan. 2009

"Assessment of Likely Effects on Marine Radar Close to the Proposed Nantucket Sound Offshore Wind Farms"
Captain D. Barber
Marico Marine for Cape Wind Associates LLC
Report No. 08-656
Aug. 2008

"Revised Navigational Risk Assessment, Cape Wind Project, Nantucket Sound"
(Appendix 3.21-A)
ESS Group, Inc.
ESS Project No. E159-501.16
Nov. 2006

"Results of the Electromagnetic Investigations and Assessments of Marine Radar, Communications and Positioning Systems Undertaken at the North Hoyle Wind Farm"
QinetiQ and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Martin Howard and Colin Brown
MCA Report MNA 53/10/366
15 November 2004

"Offshore Wind Farm Helicopter Search and Rescue Trials Undertaken at the North Hoyle Wind Farm"
Colin Brown
MCA Report MSA 10/6/239
May 2005

"Report on Horns-Rev VHF Radio and Marine Radar"
Elsam Engineering, DK report to Cap Wind Associates, Doc. No. 186829
Mar. 2004

"Investigation of Technical and Operational Effects on Marine Radar Close to Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm Kentish Flats"
Marico Marine for BWEA
April 2007

"MGN 371 (M+F) Offshore Renewable Energy Installations - Guidance on UK Navigational Practice, Safety and Emergency Response Issues"
Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)