You must use the following naming convention for the files in Lab 1.
You may not submit more than two files for Lab 1.
If you worked on the assignment with a partner, only one of you needs to submit the files.
Please confirm that your file compiles by running gcc
-ansi assembler.c
on any ECE LRC linux machine before submitting
your program. You should also test your program on an ECE LRC linux
In order to help us assign you the grades, please make sure that you put your names and UTEIDs on the top of the assembler.c file in the EXACT following format, as a C comment:
Name 1: Fullname of the first partner
Name 2: Fullname of the second partner
UTEID 1: UTEID of the first partner
UTEID 2: UTEID of the second partner
Name 1: Rustam Miftakhutdinov
Name 2: Chang Joo Lee
UTEID 1: rustam
UTEID 2: cjlee
If you worked alone:
Name 1: Rustam Miftakhutdinov
UTEID 1: rustam
Before the deadline, you may resubmit any of the files without penalty. Every time you resubmit a file, the original file is overwritten.
Turn in the following files:
tolc3bformat.asm assembler.c
by following these instructions.