You must use the following naming convention for the files in Lab 3:
You may not submit more than two files for Lab 3.
Please confirm that your file compiles (by using gcc -ansi lc3bsim3.c) and runs on any ECE LRC linux machine before submitting your program. Please issue command uname and make sure the output is Linux. Note that sunfire machines are not Linux machines.
In order to help us assign you the grades, we need your names and UTEIDs at the top of the lc3bsim3.c file in the EXACT following format, as a C comment:
Name: Fullname of the student
UTEID: UTEID of the student
Name: Faruk Guvenilir
UTEID: fguvenilir
Turn in the following files:
lc3bsim3.c ucode3
by following these instructions.