Using VNC

This step-by-step tutorial explains how you can remotely start a VNC session on an LRC Unix machine from your Windows machine. VNC allows you to view the desktop GUI of a remote Unix machine.

  1. Make sure you have a VNC client installed. One of the simplest and best options is the Real VNC Enterprise Edition Stand-alone Viewer, which you can download for free here.

  2. Download the Putty executable from here.

  3. Start Putty

  4. The ECE department has 7 machines that can be used for remotely logging in. Pick one of the following:

  5. In Putty, enter
    in the Host Name field, and choose SSH as the Connection Type.

  6. In Putty, on the category option tree on the left, choose Connection->SSH->Tunnels.

  7. Pick a two digit number, XX. Note, this number must be unique. You will find out later if someone else has already chosen your number.

  8. In the Source Port field, enter 59XX.

  9. Enter

    into the Destination field.

  10. Click on the Add button.

  11. Go back to the main Putty page by selecting Session on the category option tree on the left.

  12. Under Saved Sessions, enter a name like "ece_vnc" for these settings, and click Save.

  13. Click on the Open button, enter your ECE Unix password when prompted, and you'll get a terminal on the remote Unix machine.

  14. ONLY do the following in your Putty terminal the FIRST TIME to configure your VNC server:

  15. In your Putty terminal, start the VNC server session on the remote Unix machine with whatever resolution you desire with the following command:

    vncserver :XX -geometry 1024x768
  16. While your Putty terminal is still connected to the remote Unix machine, start the VNC client software you downloaded and installed on your Windows machine. In the VNC Server field, enter:

    Click connect. Leave username blank. In the password field, enter the password you chose above to connect to your VNC desktop. Don't forget your password.

  17. It is extremely advisable to save your files before ending your VNC session. You could lose data in the unlikely event that the remote machine goes offline.

  18. With VNC, you can now easily develop and test your Programming Lab Assignments in the Unix environment remotely. The default text editor, gedit, is easy to pick up and supports syntax highlighting for the C programming language (and many others). Get started with gcc here, and take a look at the labs page for other useful Unix links, such as getting started with the command line debugger for gcc, GDB.