Problem Set Submission Instructions
Fall 2021
Problem sets are due by the start of class on the day stated in the syllabus.
You will need to submit the problem set electronically on Gradescope (
To access Gradescope, go to the course homepage on Canvas. Then, on the left-hand-side
navigation, click on "Gradescope".
You can consult the Gradescope Help Center if you need help getting started. If you want further assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to any of the TAs.
A few important things to note:
We will not accept email submissions. If you email a TA or Professor Patt your
problem set, the email will be deleted and ignored.
If you work in a group, only one problem set should be turned in for that group.
Whoever submits the problem set, must add all the group members to the submission.
For more information, please click here, or, contact any TA.
If you cannot access Gradescope, contact Ali for help.