Thurs, 26 Oct 2023, 22:35 Grading the Programming Labs
My students, I noticed this week that some grades on Programming Lab 1 reflect a simple sloppy mistake resulting in far too great a penalty, and in fact the student did understand the concepts being tested. I thought we had corrected that grading problem before this semester started, but clearly we hadn't. I don't like it, so I am proposing the following: When you get your grade for the Programming lab, first check the assignment and your errors to be sure where points were deducted. If you believe your grade reflects harsh grading well beyond the nature of your error, I am willing to see if your grade should be adjusted up. The process is as follows. If you believe you were penalized too severly due to a careless error, the procedure is to correct the sloppiness (and ONLY correct the sloppiness) and resubmit the program for grading. In addition, please give Sophia a copy of the resubmission, a short description of the sloppiness that your resubmission corrected, and the instructions that you changed. If I agree that your changes correct an error that was due to carelessness, I will assign a higher grade. Please be careful to ONLY correct errors due to sloppiness. If you correct anything other than an error due to sloppiness, your grade will not be adjusted up. I recognize that by my doing this, some students may try to take advantage of the situation and use it to grub for points. Please do not do this. If I think the error is not sloppiness but something substantive, I am likely to adjust your grade downward. Any questions about this, please let me know. YNP