Tues, 5 Dec 2023, 20:49 Re: ECE 306: Clarification Regarding Handouts for Final

  > Hello Dr. Patt,
  > I saw your email from earlier today regarding which handouts will be 
  > given for the final. I wanted to clarify that the state machine and 
  > datapath for Interrupt control will not be provided, correct? If so, 
  > could we print them out to annotate and bring to the final, or is that 
  > not allowed since it won't all be in our own handwriting?
  > Thank you,
  > <<name withheld to protect the student who wants to know precisely>>
  Thank you for asking me to clarify.  Yes, we will pass out data path, state machine, and other relevant 
  figures so you do not have to copy them on your
  3 pages.
  Good luck on the exam.