Porting code from Windows to Unix

This step-by-step tutorial explains how you can get your code onto the ECE LRC machines from a Windows machine.

  1. Download and install WinSCP and Putty.

  2. Open WinSCP. Enter:

    and press Login.

  3. You should be able to drag the files you need from your Windows machine to remote LRC machines.

  4. Open Putty and connect to mario using the same hostname and username as above.

  5. In order to make the transfered files readable in Unix, you will have to run a program called dos2unix:

    dos2unix <input filename> 
  6. Now you can compile your code with gcc using the posted instructions.

  7. Please make sure that your program compiles and runs before submitting.

    Please note that files that compile and run correctly in Windows under Visual Studio may not do so in a Unix environment with gcc. You are responsible for verifying correct functionality of your programs in the Unix environment prior to submission.