EE 382V - Collaborative Software Design and Development
Office Hours
Spring: Tuesday and Thursday -- 10:00-11:00 am in ENS 623A
This graduate depth course in software engineering will focus on the
problem of collaborative software design and development. The
internet has made it possible to collaborate in ways that were not
imagined in the days before the world was wired. As collaboration
technologies improve, software development on a global scale becomes
possible. Our prime example is open source software development that
has forged a wildly successful, new style of collaboration. However,
most of the work that people do requires some degree of coordination
and communication with others. But the development of technology to
support collaboration has proven to be a considerable challenge in
practice. Successful designs require (1) software engineering insight
into mechanisms to organize information, coordinate, share, and
communicate, and (2) HCI design insight to achieve successful designs
for computer- mediated tools, and (3) social psychological insight
into group processes. We will examine these topics in the context of
a number of examples of open source collaborative design. We consider
relevant theoretical and empirical results concerning group behavior
in the context of collaborative design.
Class Proposal Blurb
Reading and Class Preparation
Class Grade
20% -- Class Participation
35% -- Class Presentation
45% -- Class Project
Reading Assignments