
[1499] Sarah Adams married [1498] Nathaniel Willet
b. c1641 Hartford Conn [Willett1 72][c1643, TGMB 1:9]
m. c1665 [TGMB 1:10]

[2998] Jeremy Adams
b. c1611 [TGMB 1:9]
d. 11 August 1683 Hartford Conn [Savage 1:11]
m. c1637 Hartford [TGMB 1:6-11]

[2999] Rebecca Baseden
d. 1678 Hartford Conn [Savage 1:11]

.in +.5i [TGMB 1:9] RB married JA.

[Savage 1:11] Braintree, perhaps 1632. Removed soon to Cambridge, then called Newtown. Freeman 6 May 1635. 1636 removed to Hartford. Had 3 wives: 2nd Rebecca, widow of Samuel Greenhill - had by her ... Eleanor who m. Nathaniel Willet ... and John, unless one or two were by 1st wife; 3rd was Rebecca, widow of Andrew Warner and daugther of John Fletcher. He long kept the ordinary. Will made 4 August 1863 divided estate: half to children of John and half to children of N&E Willet. .P [NEGHR 59:315-20] .P [Hartford 2] His homelot in Hartford in 1639 was on the highway now Elm Street. Was constable in 1639. Was licensed for exclusive right to retail liquors May 1660; to keep an ordinary, March 1661/2; this tavern was on the site of the present Universalist Church. He bought the lot of John Morrice and mortgaged it to the Colony 26 january 1660; his affairs had evidently been in an embarrassed condition for some time and the mortgage was foreclosed 14 January 1680/1. Was appointed customs-master May 1663; freed from watching and warding at the age of 60 in March 1664/5; a townsman in 1671. Inventory was rated at 243-05-06. JA came to Hartford with Rev Hooker's company in 1636. In 1639 he was one of a committee with Capt John Mason appointed by the General Court to trade with the Indians for corn. In 1644 he was ordered to appear at the next Particular Court and receive such censure as he deserved for his resistance of an officer - his passionate speeches, loud language, and unmannerly conduct in the face of the court. He had 30 acres of land in the division of 1639/40. His home lot was bounded on the west by Joseph Easton, east by James Ensign and north and south by roads. In 1660 he was the only person in Hartford allowed to sell wine in a less quantity than a quarter cask or other liquors less than an ancor. Was juror, up to General Court, and held other places of trust and honor in the town and colony. Nathaniel Willet was his executor, whose house was burned and in it all the books and papers of JA. .P [Adams1 2-4] Think it likely that Jeremy Adams came from Stoke by Nayland. Came to Cambridge in 1632 (aged 27 or 28 as in 1664 he gave his age as 60). He may have been a widower (the Stoke by Nayland Jeremy lost his wife shortly before JA left for America -- one reason for identifying JA with the Jeremy of Stoke by Nayland). Came to Hartford in 1636. Married Rebecca, widow of Samuel Grenhill who came from Staplehurst, Kent. In 1662, JA was made official inn-keeper for the colony. His inn was on what is now Main Street in Hartford; the site is now occupied by the main office of Travelers Insurance Co; another tract of land is now part of the campus of Trinity College. There were four children: John, born c1637; Hannah, who married Jonathan Smith, but died soon without issue; Sarah, born c1641, married Nathaniel Willet; and Samuel, bp 23 November 1645, died c1661.

[TGMB 1:10] Came in 1633 and first resided in Cambridge and then moved to Hartford in 1636. Was in Innkeeper. Was admitted freeman 6 May 1635 and was included in the list of freemen of Hartford 13 October 1669. In the land inventory of Cambridge of 10 October 1633, JA held 4 parcels: one rood in Cowyard Row; one acre and on rood in Old Field; two acres in the Great Marsh; and two acres on Small Lot Hill. In the Hartford land inventory of Feburary 1639/40 JA held 6 parcels: one parcel for a houselot fallen into the town's hands & by him recovered& and settled upon him by the inhabitants of this town containing two acres; three acres and two roods in the South Meadow; tow acres on the east side of the Great River; one rood and three perches in the Little Meadow; eight acres of upland; and two acres in the Great Swamp.

Married Rebecca (Baseden) Greenhill, widow of Samuel Greenhill and became guardian of SG's two children Thomas and Rebecca Greenhill. A tangled set of land affairs resulted from this and carried on into the 18th century. JA was frequently in debt and mortgaged his house to the colony which eventually foreclosed (eventually conveyed it to Zachary Sanford who married a grandaughter of JA). 13 March 1661/2 300 acres of upland and 40 acres of meadow were granted to JA.

Married 1) by 1637 RB; 2) in late 1682 or early 1683 Rebecca (Fletcher) Warner, daughter of John Fletcher and widow of Andrew Warner, who died 26 January 1681/2 [TAG 12:218]; she died at Middletown 25 June 1715 ae 77. Children of first wife: John, c1637; Hannah, c 1639; Hester, c1641; Sarah, c1643 - married by about 1665 Nathaniel Willet; Samuel, bp 23 November 1645.

JA's will is dated 4 August 1683. His inventory (died "Agust 11d 1683") totalled 243p 5s 6d of which 81p was real estate,

Dewayne E. Perry -- Ancestry of Ruth Corliss Clark Mell (1906-2001) -- 1965-Present

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Last Updated 30 Sep 2001