[227] Thankful Bliss married [226] Joseph Willoughby
| b. 7 March 1700
| [Bliss1 40]
| m. 6 April 1719
| Norwich Conn
| [NVR 84][Bliss1 40]
[Bliss1 40] Married Joseph Willoughby of Norwich.
[454] Samuel Bliss
| b. 9 December 1657
| Saybrook Conn
| [Bliss1 34-35]
| d. 30 December 1729
| [Bliss1 40]
| m. 8 December 1681
| Norwich Conn
| [Bliss1 40]
[455] Anne Elderkin
| b. Jan 1661
| New London Conn
| d. 17 May 1748
| [Bliss1 40]
[Bliss1 40] Of Norwich. Married Anne, daughter of Deacon John Elderkin,
one of the early settlers and proprietors of Norwich. She was considered
one of the finest young ladies in the town - fine in those days consisting
of thrift, intelligence and usefulness. She outlived her husband nearly
20 years. It is said he purchases of the Indian Chief Oweneco, in 1704-7
lands located in the town of Lebanon Conn about one mile east or northeast
of the village, near the old burial ground. 6 children, Thankful was the
[908] Thomas Bliss
| b. c1618
| Rodborough, Co Gloucester
| [Bliss2 39]
| d. 15 April 1688
| Norwich Conn
| [Bliss1 34-35]
| m. 30 October 1644
| Saybrook Conn
| [Bliss1 34-35]
[909] Elizabeth Birchard
| b. c1623
| [Bliss2 39]
| d. 28 February 1699/70
| Norwich Conn
| [Bliss2 39]
[Bliss1 34-35] Of Hartford, Saybrook and Norwich Conn. Arrived with
his father in America in 1635. Soon after his fathers death, he removed to
Saybrook. Here his allotment of land was east of the Connecticut River, in
what is now Lyme. He sold his land there in 23 July 1662. He had moved
to Norwich several years before. 6 Children born to them in Saybrook and thei
7th child, Anne, born in 1660 was the second English child born in Norwich.
In 1680, Thomas Bliss and Mathew Griswold were appointed agents by the town of
Saybrook to 'lay out a lot of land to an Indian "The Giant" near Black Point
in what is now East Lyme. The locality is still called "The Giants Neck"'.
The energy, sound health, good judgment of Thomas Bliss brought him great
prosperity, which is evedenced with his having made a will. His will is dated
13 April 1688, 2 days before his death; and in it provision was made for his
wife Elizabeth and his 6 daughters and his only living son Samuel. His
estimated worth was 182.17.7. He also had land.
[Bliss2 39] TB of Hartford, Saybrook, and Norwich Conn.
[TAG 51:17-21] EB, daughter of Thomas Birchard and Mary Robinson.
[1937] Ann Bliss married [1936] Robert Chapman
| b. c1620
| England
| [Bliss2 30-1]
| d. 20 November 1685
| Saybrook Conn
| [Chapman1 37]
| m. 29 April 1642
| [Chapman1 37]
[1816/3874] Thomas Bliss
| b. c1590
| Co Gloucester, England
| [Bliss2 27]
| d. 1640
| Hartford Conn
| m. c1617
| England
| [Bliss2 27]
[1817/3875] Margaret Hulins
| b. 1594
| England
| d. 28 August 1684
| Springfield Mass
[Bliss1 ] Of Belstone parish, Devonshire England; Of Braintree Mass, and
afterwards of Hartford. Was the Son of Thomas Bliss of Belstone and who
was born 1580 or 85. He married in England Margeret (thought to be Lawrence)
who was born in 1594. He had 10 children, 6 of which were born in England.
Thomas was compelled to leave England and in the autumn of 1635, he and his
brother George embarked at Plymouth and arrived at Boston. He located
promptly at Braintree whence he removed to Hartford where he died in 1640.
The will of Margeret (Lawrence) Bliss dates September 1683, but does not
mention Thomas, but does mention other children.
[Bliss2 27] TB of Hartford. Probably born in Co Gloucester, England c1590.
[Hale-House 476-7] TB died late in 1650 or very early 1650-1. At that
time the four oldest schildren were married. Son Thomas and wife Ann
were in Saybrook and the other 7 children were listed in the margin of
probate record as eventual heirs after the widow's death. No further
information about Samuel, son of Thomas Jr.
{check TAG 52: 193-197, ref TAG 60:202}
{check Starr's Goodwin-Morgan Ancestral Lines, 1915, 2:1-9}
{Ferris' Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines, 1931, 2:123-7}
[3632/7748] Thomas Bliss
[3633/7749] ?
[Bliss ] Of Belstone, Devonshire, England.
Dewayne E. Perry -- Ancestry of Ruth Corliss Clark Mell (1906-2001) -- 1965-Present