[93919379] Helen Galloway married [93919378] Roger de Quincy
[Bulkeley1 11-12] Earl of Winchester; married Helen, daughter of Alan,
Lord of Galloway, by his first wife, a daughter of Reginald, Lord of
the Isles.
[187838758] Alan, Lord of Galloway
[187838759] ?
[Bulkeley1 11-12] Alan, Lord of Galloway, was the son of Roland (d
1200), Lord lf Galloway, son of Uctred (d 1174), Lord of Galloway, by
his wife Gannhild of Dunbar, daughter of Waldeve, son of Cospatrick
(1040-1075), Earl of Dunbar, son of Maldred (d 1045) and Algitha of
Northumberland. Maldred was son of Crinan by his wife Bethoc,
daughter pf Malcolm II, King ofScots. Algitha was daughter of Uctred,
Earl of Northumberland, by his wife Wlfgigu, daughter of Ethelred II,
King of England. Turton's Plantagenet Ancestry traces Reginald, Lord
of the Isles, through Kings of Man and Ealrs of Orkney, from Hakan I
(d1079) of Sweden and St Olaf (992-1030) of Norway.
Dewayne E. Perry -- Ancestry of Ruth Corliss Clark Mell (1906-2001) -- 1965-Present