[167] Sarah Gilbert married [166] Abraham Johnson
| b. 31 July 1694
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6]
| m. 24 January 1715-6
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6]
[334] Sgt John Gilbert
| b. 3 October 1668
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6][NHVR 28]
| d. December 1741
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6]
| m. 21 January 1691-2
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6][NHVR 64]
[335] Mary Ives
| b. 17 March 1675-6
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6]
| d. 14 April 1712
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15-6]
[Dickerman1 15-6] Married second 17 November 1712, Abigail Heaton, widow
of Ebenezer Atwater and daughter of James Heaton, born 1673.
[NHVR 64] Married by Wm Jones.
[Gilbert2 381] Was called Sergeant. Was deputy from New Haven to the Connecticut
General Assembly 1719-21.
[668] John Gilbert
| b. prob April 1644
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15]
| d. 26 November 1673
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15]
| m. 12 December 1667
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 15]
[669] Sarah Gregson
[Dickerman1 15]
[Gilbert2 379] SG married second Samuel Whitehead of NH, 9 may 1676.
[714] Mathew Gilbert married [715] Sarah Peck
[1336/1428] Matthew Gilbert
| b. c1599
| [Dickerman1 14-15]
| d. early 1679
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 14-15]
[1337/1429] Jane Baker
| d. 1706
| New Haven Conn
| [Dickerman1 14-15]
[Dickerman1 14-15] MG was among the original planters of the New Haven
colony and was highly honored throughout his life. He was one of the
seven men who were chosen at the beginning to be founders of the New
Commonwealth, was a deacon of the church, an assistant magistrate, and then
deputy governor. He outlived most of the other leading men who came with him
from England and died early in 1679. The solitary rude gravestone in the
rear of the Center Church on the NH Green and bearing the letters 'MG 80"
are supposed to mark the spot where he is buried. His wife Hane survived
him until about 1796. His will signed 14 January 1679 and proved in the same
year names his wife, two sons, Matthew and Samuel,.... His estate was
appraised at 130.11.9 pounds and the estate of Mrs Jane (Baker) Gilbert
was appraised 26 November 1706 at 130:11:9. He seems to have been the
earliest of the New Haven planters to own land in the neighborhood of
Shepherds Brook, where he had an allotmont above the brook about 1764 [sic].
Dewayne E. Perry -- Ancestry of Ruth Corliss Clark Mell (1906-2001) -- 1965-Present