b. bp 27 February 1628 | Amsterdam Holland | [Melyn1 15] | |
d. 25 February 1716/7 | New York NY | [Melyn1 15] | |
m. 30 June 1647 | New York NY | [Melyn1 15] |
b. bp 17 September 1600 | St Walburga, Antwerp | [Melyn1 248] | |
d. 1663/8 | New Haven Conn | [Melyn1 15] | |
m. 22 April 1627 | Amsterdam Holland | [Melyn1 3] |
[867] Janneken Adriaens
b. c1604 | Myert Holland | [Melyn1 3] | |
d. after 1674 | [Melyn1 13] |
[NHTR 1:292] 4 December 1656. Complaint by some that ye duchmen lately admitted doe sell things excessive deare, and instanc was given in some particulers, but a knot of buttons, wch was looked at as a most exceeding deare price, likewise that the mault house was not improved, as Mr Melyen promised it should to supply ye towne, also that they doe not attend ye pulique meetings on ye Lords day so duely as they should, ...
[NHTR 1:411] 2 August 1659. Bill of sale from Leiftenent Seely to Mr. Murline (of his dwelling house, with the orchard, with ye breadth of it, in right lines to the creeke, a highway of 4 rod excepted) was presented and approved.
[NHTR 2:34] 3 February 1662. CM sued Cornelius Williamson for a mare, loaned for a day and never returned - value 10 pounds - either to have the mare returned or one of equal value.
d. 9 November 1606 | Antwerp | [Melyn1 246] | |
m. November 1597 | Antwerp | [Melyn1 246] |
[1735] Marie Ghuedinx alias Botens
d. October 1606 | Antwerp | [Melyn1 246] |
[3468] ?
Dewayne E. Perry
Genealogy Research
Copyright © 1965-Present. All rights reserved.
Last Updated 30 Sep 2001
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