-- Perry Ancestral Research --
This is the province of my next brother Dr. Dennis Perry (research in the south is much harder than that in the northeast :)). The link below summarizes his research on our part of the Perry family. The other links provide information on other branches as well as some information about common ancestors.
-- Clark/Mell Ancestral Research --
My ancestor hunting began in the mid-60s when I ran across some notes by Faith's
grandfather, Elford Lessey Clark. Thus began an enduring interest in the
detective game of genealogy. The information you find here is still a work in progress.
I have tried to document each piece of data as carefully as possible, but at times have forgotten to note
some of my reasoning. The information is presented more as notes rather than a
final product, mostly because this has been a personal quest and not one for publication.
Each family begins with the most recent ancestor and goes backwards from there (an order
that seems to make sense for ancestral studies, but one that is seldom followed).
Some explanations are in order about what you will find below:
- The lists of places is not complete primarily because the places are taken from
the birth, death and marriage data. The fact that they may have lived in various other
places is thus not reflected in the place list.
- I have separated out the families that have at least one ancester here in the US
from those who are from Europe (primarily England) by adding a + to the end of the family name
for those from Europe. Thus, there are two lists of ancesters.
- I have not made use of the linking possibilities of HTML primarily because the pages you
see have been generated from the documentation preparation format that I have been using
for the past 15 years (for you UNIX gurus, my data is in troff format with the various presentations
generated by AWK and Shell scripts).
On to the Data!
The links that follow are ones that I have found useful in my ancestral reearch. One of
my biggest frustrations has been (and still is) the lack of documentation for almost all
the genealogical data found on the web. There are some exceptions, and those are delightful
to find -- but thee are far too few of them. In some cases the links are purely serendipitous,
in other cases I have tried to be a bit more thorough -- Family Sites represent the former, the Medieval
Sites represent the latter.
NEW - Pictures
- Pictures from New Haven's Hillside High School, c1895, collected by Gracie Adelle Johnson
A Few Friends' Web Pages
-- Genealogy Archives --
-- Links, Links and more Links --
-- Genealogical Databases --
-- Genealogical Sources --
-- Genealogy cd-roms --
-- Journals-publishers-bookstores --
-- Societies --
-- Family sites --
-- Medieval --
-- New England, NJ, NY --
-- Germany, Hesse --
-- UK --
-- Tools --
Dewayne E. Perry
- This information last updated September 2001
Copyright © 1996-Present. All rights reserved.