[87] Hannah Scott married [86] John Fitch
| m. 5 November 1734
| Lebanon Conn
| [Mason1]
[Mason1] "... probably married 5 November 1734, HS ..."
[174] John Scott
| b. 14 March 1664
| Moshasuck RI
| [Scott]
| d. 1725
| Newport RI
| [Scott]
| m. c1690
| [NEM 656]
[175] Elizabeth Wanton
| b. 16 September 1668
| Scituate Mass
| [NEGHR 19:221]
[Scott] JS lived in Newport with his grandmother and aunts, became a
merchant and carpenter, and married EW, daughter of Edward and
Elizabeth Wanton.
[TorreyCD] SCOTT, John (1664-1725) & Elizabeth [WANTON] (1668-); ca
1690?; Newport/Scituate {Reg. 60:174, 96:10, 11; Scituate 373;
Austin's Dict. 84, 215, 373; Bos. Trans. 27 Dec 1926, 4733; NYGBR
[348] John Scott
| b. c1638
| Moshasuck RI
| [Scott]
| d. c1 June 1677
| Moshasuck RI
| [Scott]
| m. c1661
| [Scott]
[349] Rebecca --
| b. c1640
| [Scott2]
| d. 2 January 1722
| [Scott 1955]
[Scott] While it is tradition that Richard and Catherine Scott became
Quakers, there is no evidence that John Scott converted. In Bodge's
``Soldier's in King Philip's War'', it appears that JS served from
June 1675 to August 1676. He took the oath of allegience 30 May 1667
and was a juryman 27 April 1668. He paid taxes of 1-0-0 in 1671.
Acquired property and became a prosperous citizen. Shot by an Indian
on his own doorstep and died a few days later, about 1 June 1677. As
neither RS nor JS are listed in the list of inhabitants that remained
in Providence, it is probable that the entire Moshasuck settlement
went to Newport during the struggle. JS seems to have returned too
soon. Widow RBS remained in Providence, where she married 2nd, 15
April 1678,m John Whipple Jr (who eventually became blind and died 15
December 1700).
[Scott2] There have been three printed names for the last name of Rebecca
wife of JS. I believe all are probably wrong.
[NYGBR 2:174-179] says that there is strong circumstantial evidence
that she was the daughter of Sylvanus White, son of Pergrine White.
As Peregrine White was born 1620 and married 1648, Sylvanus White
could not be the father of Rebecca who was born about 1640 (see
NEHGR 47:482).
[NEHGR 60:173] says there is very good reason for believing her to
have been the daughter of Joh and Sarah Browne of Old Swansea. But
there are no reasons given and John 1 Brown of Swansea had a wife
named Dorothy, and John 2 Brown of Swansea was born in 1636 and could
not have been the father of Rebecca.
[Wilkenson and Kindred Families, Wilkinson, 1950]. In several places
calls the wife of JS Rebecca Davis. Mr Wilkenson died in 1958 and all
his research for his book was burned in a fire earlier. Can find
nothing anywhere to substantiate this claim. No Davis families have a
Rebecca and probably were not connected to the RI Wilkinson family at
all, but it does say that Rebecca Davis was of RI.
[Scott 1955] There are reasons for thinking that Rebecca had close
connections with the Browns of Swansea; or with the Willetts who had
married into the Browns there.
[696] Richard Scott
| b. 1607
| Glemsford, Co Suffolk
| [Scott]
| d. c1680
| Moshasuck RI
| [Scott]
[697] Catherine Marbury
| b. c1610
| England
| [NEM 657]
| d. 2 May 1687
| Newport RI
| [Scott]
[Scott] Probably came to NE with the Hutchinson Party on the Griffin
in 1634 - or might have come with the Winthrop party. Admitted to the
Boston Church, 28 August 1634. Next appears in the records of the
trial of his sister-in-law Ann Hutchinson, 22 March 1638. First
appears in New Providence Compact, 20 August 1637. Probably located
at Moshasuck before Roger Williams and others crossed the Seckonk in
June 1636. Winthrop, 16 June 1638, writes about Catherine Scott, re:
[NEM 657] Scott, Richard (1605-1680+-) and Katherine Marbury (1610+ - 1687)
7 June 1632, alt. 1637.
{summarise Scott; see NEHGR 20:335+ for Marburies}
[1392] Edward Scott
[1393] Sarah Carter
[Scott] Of the Scotts of Scotts Hall in Kent who traced their lineage
through John Baliol to the early Kings of Scotland.
[NEHGR 96:2-27] Of Glemsford; Sarah, sister of Richard Carter of Brook
Hall, Co Essex.
{see NEGHR 31:345, NEGHR 51:254 for details on ancestry}
[2784] Edward Scott
[2785] Elizabeth Grome
[NEHGR 96:2-27] ES of Glemsford in com. Suffolk. Elizabeth, daughter
of -- Grome of Suffolke.
[5568] Edward Scott
[5569] Mary Warren
[NEHGR 96:2-27] Third son of Richard; Mary, daughter of John Warren.
[11136] Richard Scott
[11137] Mary Whiatnoll
[NEHGR 96:2-27] RS married --, daughter of George Whiatnoll of East
Peckham, Esquire. In the Visitation of Kent in 1619, Richard Scott,
sone of John and Anne Pympe married Maria, daughter of George
Whetenall. Children: Reginald, Richard, Edward, Eve, Martha, Anne.
[22272] Sir John Scott
[22273] Anne Pympe
[NEHGR 96:2-27] Knight of the Kings Bodyguard, Henry VIII, 1515-1518;
Sheriff of Kent, 1528; kighted (c1520 by the Prince ofCastile for
signal services rendered against the Duke of Guelders.
[44544] Sir William Scott
| b. 1459
| [NEHGR 96:2-27]
| d. 24 August 1524
| Bradbourne, Co Kent
| [NEHGR 96:2-27]
[44545] Sibill Lewknor
[NEHGR 96:2-27] Of Scott Hall, Knight, son and heir of Sir John. High
Sheriff of Kent, 1491, 1502, 1515, and 1517. Lord Warden of the
Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle; rebuilt Scott's Hall
c1491. Will dated 1 August 1524; died 24 August 1524; buried
Bradbourne Church. Of Iden and Bradbourne, Co Kent. Marshal of Calais 1491-2;
Lieut. of Dover 1492; PC and Controller of Household, MP Kent, 1495.
[89088] Sir John Scott
| b. 1423
| [NEHGR 96:2-27]
| d. bd 17 October 1485
| Bradbourne, Co Kent
| [NEHGR 96:2-27]
[89089] Agnes Beaufitz
[NEHGR 96:2-27] Only surviving son and heir of William. High Sheriff
of Kent, 39th Henry VI and 7th Edward IV; Knight of Kent at
Parliament, Westminster, 7th Ed. IV; Comptroller of Houshold of King
Ed IV; Privy Councillor to the King; Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports,
and Governor of Dover Castle for Kind Ed IV; buried in Bradbourne
Church 17 October 1485. Of Smeeth and Bradbourne, Co Kent. Deputy
Butler of Sandwich 1459; Trouer of port of London, 1461; controller of
Household, 1460-79; Marshall of Calais 1471-6; MP Kent, 1461-5.
[178176] William Scott
| d. 5 February 1433/4
| Bradbourne, Co Kent
| [NEHGR 96:2-27]
[178177] Isabel Herbert
[NEHGR 96:2-27] Of Scott Hall in the county of Kent, Knight, lived in
the time of Henry 6. Eldest son and heir of John Scott; of Bradbourne
1413; of Scott's Hall, Smeeth, 1429, where he held his shrievalty;
sheriff of Kent 1st Henry VI, 1429; Knight of the shire 1431; died 5
February 1433/4, brass in Bradbourne Church.
WS's wife is called Elizabeth in the Fisitation of Sussex in 1530, also in the
visitation of Kent in 1619.
[356352] John Scott
[356353] ?
[712704] William Scott
[712705] ?
[1425408] Michael Scott
[1425409] ?
[2850816] Sir William Scott
[2850817] ?
[5701632] John le Scot
[5701633] ?
[11403264] William le Scot
[11403265] ?
Dewayne E. Perry -- Ancestry of Dr. Clifford William Mell (1906-1987) -- 1965-Present