ICSP3 - Hotel Registration

Send Hotel Registration Form direct to:

	Hyatt-Regency Reston, Ref. ICSP3
	1800 Presidents Street
	Reston Virginia 22090 USA
	Tel: +1.703.709.1234
	Fax: +1.703.709.6244

Bookings must be made by 16 September to guarantee the ICSP3 rates:

	$85 + tax for Friday/Saturday (7/8 October)
	$105 + tax for Sunday-Wednesday (9-12 October),

single or double occupancy.


Guest Name: ______________________________________________

Organization: ____________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________________

State/Province: __________________________________________

Postal code/Zip code: ______________ Country: ____________

Tel: ______________________ Fax: _________________________

Arrival Date: ____________________________________________

Departure Date: __________________________________________

Number of One Bedded Rooms: ______________________________

Number of Two Bedded Rooms: ______________________________

All reservations will be held until 6:00 pm on the date of arrival unless a one night deposit is received or a major credit card is used to hold the reservation.

Credit Card Name: ________________________________________

Credit Card Number: ______________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________


This information last updated Tue Jun 7 16:03:21 EDT 1994