International Software Process Association (ISPA)

ISCN '96 - Practical Improvement of
Software Processes and Products

December 2-6, 1996, Metropole Hotel, Brighton, England
Theme for '96: A Multimethod View of Process Improvement

Venue and Information Points, ISCN Secretariat, SP 96 Congress Secretariat
Approaches, Methodologies and Projects

What is ISCN ?

ISCN (International Software Collaborative Network) was formed in 1994. Its initial mission was twofold: to organise annual conferences on software process improvement, and to create a consortium of software process experts capable of providing a wide range of software process consultancy services.
Successful conferences were held in 1994 (ISCN 94, Dublin) and 1995 (ISCN 95, Vienna). These brought together three groups of players: large users (companies with major software process improvement programmes); methods providers (consulting companies offering specific methods and techniques in process/product measurement, appraisal, certification and improvement); and individual experts (independent consultants or academic researchers).In 1995 ISCN established a business firm functioning as a co-ordination office to secure funding and to provide an organisational and management infrastructure for innovative improvement projects on behalf of its members and partners.

ISCN plans to extend its mission and mode of working. The intention is to build a multi-firm, multi-nation, multi-industry and multi-method learning organisation, in which the partners are able to form collaborative groupings for problem-solving and training purposes on an as-needed basis. The benefits sought are synergy, win-win, reduced risk, rapid skill development, and a culture in which partners are able to improve faster by working together than they could on their own. Already the ISCN service portfolio comprises more than twenty different methods offered by about forty partners. A number of projects are already launched or at the proposal stage. (ISCN Services)

The ISCN Conference Series

All ISCN conferences focus on "Practical Experience with the Improvement of Software Processes and Products". The conference is not an academic one and rather concentrates on methodologies which have been tried out, field tested, and can be presented using quantitative terms. The main goal is to create a discussion culture which allows all participants to discuss "How will this work for my own organisation ?". ISCN wellcomes the results of ESSI process improvement experiments and usually the review board supports the PIEs in preparing their paper in a professional style.

Who Should Attend and Why ?

This conference will benefit all those who are concerned with new business potentials, identification of bottlenecks and definition of best practice processes, and the improvement of organisational processes, software engineering approaches, and products.

Benefits for the Attendees

Attendees will benefit from the practical experience presented, will be able to discuss directly with experts and managers who employed the different approaches and methodologies in industry, and will establish industry contacts for potential future co-operations.

Active Integration of Participants

Prospective delegates are invited to submit issues and queries to These inputs will be taken into account in the discussions at the conference.


Alcatel - Aimware - APAC - Bell Canada - Brameur - CISI - CRIM Montreal - Etnoteam - Festo - Fraunhofer Institute IESE - IT Consulting - Objectif Technologie - Oerlikon Aerospace - Onion - Process Inc. US - QSet - Siemens - MTA Sztaki - ASEC Canada - MAZ Hamburg - SEI - BOOTSTRAP Institute - K&M Technologies

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