SPI 96 is for software process practitioners the people at the sharp end, working to improve the quality of their companies' software through improving the processes by which it is produced and for those software managers who need to understand enough about software process improvement to take key decisions on resourcing and direction.
A primary theme of the conference is how software process improvement impacts on business goals and performance, and on software product quality and user satisfaction. |
The papers and panels at SPI 96 deal with how and why companies are undertaking process assessment and improvement, how they are addressing the challenges of measurement, and how we may need to interpret or adapt existing assessment and improvement methods to meet the particular circumstances of the business. The conference is the second in the SPI series. The first, SPI 95, took place in Barcelona in December 1995. It attracted well over one hundred delegates, who rated it very highly. SPI 96 aims to do even better. |
ISPA Homepage - This information last updated October 1997 |
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