International Software Process Association (ISPA)

Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination

December 3-5, Metropole Hotel, Brighton, UK


1995 marked the official publication of version 1 of the ISO/SPICE standard for software process assessment. Following extensive user trials within the SPICE community, the standard has now been substantially revised and published as version 2. This is timed to coincide with the commencement of a second phase of user trials within the software engineering community involving over 20 countries. ISO/SPICE is the reference model for conducting software process assessment as the basis for capability determination and for improvement programmes. Its purpose is to help companies to manage and control their software processes:
acquisition, development, operation and maintenance. As well as providing an embedded model accessible to all through the standard for self-assessment purposes, the standard also provides a migration route for existing methods to claim conformance to the standard. A wealth of knowledge and experience has already been built up with the use of SPICE, and supporting software tools are now available in the public domain. ISO/SPICE is set to become as significant in the software community as ISO 9001 has become in the general community.

Who should attend ?

If you are an information technology company, a software department within a larger organisation or from public administration and intending to launch a software process improvement programme or looking for life after ISO 9001 certification, then SPICE'96 will provide you with the relevant information.

If you are a procurer or supplier of software intensive systems in the defence, aerospace or telecommunications field you will need to be aware of how SPICE is being used to determine supplier capability within the procurement process.

If you are a consultant, trainer, auditor, assessor or tool developer you will need to keep yourself informed of the developing opportunities in this fast moving field. In short, YOU need to be at SPICE'96!

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