International Software Process Association (ISPA)

SP'96 - Tutorials

Title: A Practical Guide to the CMM
Tutor: Ken Dymond (Process Inc.)

Who should attend

Decision makers who will determine whether to apply the CMM in their companies. Process improvement team members whose companies are considering using the CMM. Senior and middle managers who want to understand what differences following the CMM will make for their companies and for their management roles.


Give decision-makers enough information on the content of the CMM and the context for applying it to guide their companies. Give potential process improvement team members an understanding of the conditions required for success in implementing the CMM. Give managers and process implementors information to judge the readiness of their organisations to use the CMM.


What is the CMM and what characteristics will a company exhibit that is implementing the CMM? Understanding the CMM content and structure via illustrations of the goals of Key Process Areas at each Maturity Level.

How does an organisation start to apply the CMM and how does it continue via the CMM road map? The context for software process improvement, assessment as the best way to start, organising the improvement team, the role of the senior manager, the CMM in various business environments, returns on investment.

Benefits for those attending

A quick and systematic introduction to CMM content via the "goals view" of each Key Process Area. Tools to understand the CMM in more detail: each participant will receive, in addition to workshop materials, a copy of Ken Dymond's illustrated "A Guide to the CMM". An understanding of the kind of support a company must build to implement the CMM successfully.

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