International Software Process Association (ISPA)

SP'96 - Tutorials

Title: The Personal Software Process Model
Tutor: Maurizio Morisio (Politecnio di Torino)

Who should attend

Software engineers, software project managers, quality managers


To present an overview of the PSP (Personal Software Process) as defined by Watts Humphrey in his book "A discipline for software engineering". To present the first experiences of the applications of PSP in industrial contexts.


Introduction: the top-down, company-centred quality approach (SPICE, CMM, BOOTSTRAP, ISO 9000); the bottom-up, individual-centred quality approach (PSP).

PSP framework: levels, activities, techniques, measures, logs and sheets, the measures database.

The baseline process, PSP0: activities (plan, design, code, compile, test, post mortem); measures (time per activity, defect injected per activity); forms (time log, defect log); techniques (defect classification standard)

Personal planning, PSP1: techniques (the PROBE estimation method, LOC counting standard); measures (code size, estimated and actual; time and schedule, estimated and actual; productivity).

Personal quality management, PSP2: techniques (code review, design review, checklists).

The cyclic process, PSP3: techniques (partition of project into modules, iteration of PSP on each module).

The team process, TSP: integration of PSPs in a team; definition of PSP interface to other PSPs.

Industrial experience in using the PSP: training requirements; tool requirements; experience in SMEs; integration of PSPs into a TSP at a department level.

Benefits for those attending

Be able to decide on introducing the PSP in a company or using it individually.

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