International Software Process Association (ISPA)

SP'96 - Tutorials

Title: Implementing and managing the software process improvement environment
Tutor: Sami Zahran (Bull Information Systems Ltd)

Who should attend

This tutorial is beneficial to all those involved in software development, and those concerned with the quality of software development in their organisation. That includes IT managers, software development managers, software quality managers, project managers, software engineers, and quality assurance personnel.


This tutorial aims to give you an overall framework for: the software process improvement environment, how to set up a software process improvement organisational and technical infrastructure, how to select/customise a software process improvement roadmap, how to select/customise a software process assessment method, how to develop a software process improvement plan, and how to implement and manage a continuously improving software process environment.


A framework for the software process improvement environment. Software process improvement infastructure. Software process improvement roadmaps. Software process assessment methods. Software process improvement plans. Measuring the benefits of software process improvement.

Benefits for those attending

At the end of the tutorial you should have a clear overall understanding of: what constitutes a software process improvement environment, how to start implementing software process improvement, and how to manage and monitor a continuously improving software process environment. The tutorial will be interactive and the participants will be able to share ideas and experiences with each other.

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