ICSP5: Computer Supported Organizational WorkIntegrating Active Databases, Coordination, Method Engineering, Process, and Workflow technologies
Several technical communities have broadened their focus beyond
supporting individual employees to supporting teams of people
collaborating on a common task. This has correspondingly broadened the
agenda of these communities to include jointly planning the work,
sharing the work products among team members, and coordinating their
These broadened agendas have caused these communities to converge on substantially overlapping goals, technologies, and research modalities. Unfortunately, each community, with little or no contact with each other, is separately pursuing these shared agendas.
This conference attempts to leverage that overlap by bringing together the researchers and practitioners from these different communities to explicitly identify how the individual technologies they are producing can be combined to support organized teams.
The conference will feature state-of-the-art plenary talks given by acknowledged leaders of each of these communities, contributed papers from active community members, and panels designed to identify areas of overlap and synergy among the various communities. In addition, the conference will be preceded by a program of tutorials designed to enable workers in one community to rapidly acquaint themselves with other communities that they may wish to hear more about.
ISPA - This information last updated October 1997 |
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