Integrating Active Databases, Coordination, Method Engineering, Process, and Workflow technologies
14-17 June 1998
Chicago, Illinois, USA
at the Lisle/Naperville Hilton Hotel
Sponsored by the International Software Process Association (ISPA)
In cooperation with ACM SigSoft
Industrial Sponsors: Lucent Technologies, Motorola
Technical Program
Monday -- Wednesday, 15-17 June 1998
15 June - Monday
9:00-10:30 - Session 1 - Keynote on Method Engineering: Tony Wasserman, Software Methods & Tools --
Method Engineering: Concepts and Tools
11:00-12:30 - Session 2 - Harnassing Process and Method Abstractions
Note: each of the paper sessions will be led by a discussant
who will relate the papers and raise issues to be discussed
by the authors and conference participants
Process Guides: Effective Guidance for Process Participants -
Marc I. Kellner, Ulrike Becker-Kornstaedt, William E. Riddle,
Jennifer Tomal, Martin Verlage
A Reuse-Oriented Approach for the Construction of Scenario Based Methods -
V. Plihon, J. Ralyte, A. Benjamen, N.A.M. Maiden, A. Sutcliffe, E. Dubois, P. Heymans
Discussant: Motoshi Saeki
1:30-3:00 - Session 3 - Keynote on Software Process: Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano --
Software processes: a retrospective and a path to the future
3:30-5:00 - Session 4 - Issues in Process Design
A Rigorous Object-Oriented Design Process -
Enoch Y. Wang and Betty H.C. Cheng
From Process Design to Process Implementation -
Martin Verlage and Thomas Kiesgen
Discussant: Lee Osterweil
16 June - Tuesday
9:00-10:30 - Session 5 - Keynote on Workflow: Frank Leymann, IBM --
On the interrelationship of workflow technology and other software technologies
11:00-12:30 - Session 6 - Adaptation in Workflow
Experiments with Two Workflow Architectures - John Debenham
Supporting Distributed Workflow Using HTTP -
Peter J. Kammer, Gregory Alan Bolcer, Richard N. Taylor, Arthur S. Hitomi
Discussant: Chris Bussler
1:30-3:00 - Session 7 - Keynote -- Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, MCC, Austin TX --
Collaboration Management Process and Infrastructure
Balboa: A Framework for Event-Based Process Data Analysis -
Jonathan E. Cook and Alexander L. Wolf
Building Software under the Lamppost of Process Measurement -
John M. Roche and Mike Jackson
Discussant: Dewayne Perry
17 June - Wednesday
9:00-10:30 - Session 9 - Panel on Industrial Practice -- Panelists: Geoffrey Clemm, Rational;
Pamela Drew, Boeing; Allan Willey, Motorola -- Lee Osterweil, Moderator
11:00-12:30 - Session 10 - Collaboration and Interoperability
WinWin Requirements Negotiation Processes: A Multi-Project Analysis -
Barry Boehm and Alexander Egyed
Architectures for Process Support System Interoperability -
J. Estublier, P.Y. Cunin, N. Belkhatir and M. Amiour, S. Dami
Discussant: Wilhelm Schaefer
1:30-3:00 - Session 11 - Activity Customization
ItascaFlow: An Active Database Framework for Adaptive Workflow Process
Modelling, Enactment and Interoperability -
Ilham Alloui and Flavio Oquendo
How to support CASE activities through fully customisable process models:
Experiments of CPME/MetaEdit+ using VPL formalism and ISPW-6 example -
Marttiin Pentti
Discussant: Dick Taylor
3:30-5:00 - Session 12 - Summarizing Panel:
Bob Balzer, Pamela Drew, Volker Gruhn, Leon Osterweil, Tom Rodden, Colette Rolland