Management of the Production of Real-Time Software. An
Annotated Bibliography. Planning Research Corporation
(PRC). 1967.
A Marketing and Technological Study of Computer Peripheral
Equipment. With Roger Lowe. PRC. 1968.
Various Design and Implementation Documents for TACFIRE:
The FSE Major Program, The Nuclear Fire Planning Program,
and the Nuclear Casualty Damage Assessment Program. PRC.
The Production of Real Time Software with an Emphasis on
Software Reliability. An Annotated Bibliography. PRC.
Computer Software Reliability. A Study of Methods to
Produce Reliable Software and Their Relationship to Hardware
Reliability. PRC. 1971.
Report File Access File Structure. Dun & Bradstreet's ALO
System. Quotron Systems Inc. (QSI). 1972.
Report File Access. The Design and Implementation of a
Dynamic Data Base Entry, Retrieval and Update System.
QSI. 1972.
The Display File Structure and a Method for Generating
Display Screens for Man/Machine Interfaces. QSI. 1972.
The Dialogs Subsystem. The Design and Implementation of
Dialog Programs for the Major ALO Functions. QSI. 1972.
The Dialog File Structure for the D&B ALO System. QSI. 1972.
The Report Copy Utility. The Design and Implementation
Specification. QSI. 1972.
The Training Mode. The Design and Implementation of an ALO
Report Entry Automated Training Program. With Jon Snyder.
QSI. 1972.
The Dial-Up Controller's Bisynchronous Communications
Interrupt Handler. QSI. 1973.
How to Use the Quotron 801 Job Step Handler and Sesame
Assembler. For the D&B ALO Staff. QSI. 1973.
Increasing Disc Space Utilization in the RFA Subsystem.
Pegasus Systems. 1973. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet,
Systems Research and Development.
Report File Access. Enhancements and Changes to the File
Structure. Pegasus Systems. 1974. Prepared for Dun &
Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
Report File Access. Extensions of its Capabilities and
Requests. Pegasus Systems. 1974. Prepared for Dun &
Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
Generalized Reserve, Release, Read and Write Routines for the
Report File. Pegasus Systems. 1974. Prepared for
Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
Enhancements to the Quotron 801 Executive Program. Pegasus
Systems. 1974. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems
Research and Development.
The Functional Specification for the Sigma 5 Message Switch
Data Collection Tape Post Processor. Pegasus Systems. 1975.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
The Detailed Design and Implementation Specification for the
FORTRAN programs for Duns Data Continuous Service Survey.
Pegasus Systems. 1975. Prepared for Dun &
Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
The Detailed Design and Implementation Specification for the
FORTRAN Programs to Collect Information About the AOS Data
Base. An informal report. Pegasus Systems. 1975. Prepared
for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
The Detailed Design and Implementation Specification for the
Sigma 5 Message Switch Data Collection Tape Post Processor.
An informal report. Pegasus Systems. 1975. Prepared for
Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
A Preliminary Design for the TOS2 Prompting System. Pegasus
Systems. April 28, 1975. Prepared for the Software Engineering
Team, CENTACS, US Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ.
The Preliminary Design of a Prompted Data Entry System for TOS.
With James Wagner. CENTACS Software Report No. 41. 2 Vols.
CENTACS, US Army Electronics Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ. May
An Informal Detailed Program Design Specification for TOS2
Prompting. Pegasus Systems. 15 July 1975. Prepared for the
Software Engineering Team, CENTACS, US Army Electronics Command,
Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Decision Aids for Tactical Data Systems. With William Cave
and James Wagner. Presented at the Workshop on Applications
of Interactive Cybernetic Systems, October 1975.
A Detailed Design and Implementation Specification of a Prompted
Data Entry System for TOS. Pegasus Systems. December 1975.
Prepared for the Software Engineering TEAM, CENTACS, US Army
Electronics Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
The Functional Specification of the Software for the Intelligent
Communications Terminal. CENTACS Report No. 61.
Computer Software Technical Area, CENTACS. US Army Electronics
Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ. January 1976.
Basic Considerations for Management Control Software System
Development. With William Cave, James Wagner, Henry Ledgard,
D. Steacy, and Jeff Yohay. CENTACS Report No. 62. Computer
Software Technical Area, CENTACS, US Army Electronics Command,
Ft. Monmouth, NJ. April 1976.
The Intelligent Communications Terminal Executive Software.
A Detailed Design and Implementation Specification. Pegasus
Systems. May 1976. Prepared for System Development Corporation
and the Software Engineering Team, CENTACS, US Army Electronics
Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Proposed Functional Capabilities for the AN/UGC-74. Pegasus
Systems. June 1976. Prepared for System Development Corporation
and the Software Engineering Team, CENTACS, US Army Electronics
Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
A Simulator for the AN/UGC-74. CENTACS Report No. 76. Software
Engineering Division, CENTACS, US Army Electronics Command,
Ft. Monmouth, NJ. March 1977.
FILECOMP Maintenance Manual. CENTACS Report No. 83. Software
Engineering Division, CENTACS, US Army Electronics Command, Ft.
Monmouth, NJ. September 1977.
A Critical Evaluation of Low Level I/O and Machine Dependent
Features of the Four Preliminary Language Designs. Pegasus
Systems. March 1978. Prepared for the DoD HOLWG.
Display Resource Functional Specification. Mod III Word Processing
System. Section 4b. With M. Poulsen and L. Narsemhan.
April 1978, Revision 1: May 1978. Pegasus Systems. Prepared
for Vydec Inc., Florham Park, NJ.
The Intrinsic Editor Interface Specification. Mod III Word
Processing System. Section 4a. With M. Poulsen. Pegasus
Systems. May 1978. Prepared for Vydec Inc., Florham Park, NJ.
An Evaluation of Suggested Changes to Improve the Performance
of the D&B AOS Minicomputer System. Pegasus Systems. May
1978. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and
The Functional Requirements Specification, The Detailed Design,
and the Implementation of Changes to Video Control. Pegasus
Systems. May 1978. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems
Research and Development.
High Level Language Features for Handling I/O Devices in Real
Time Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation. Stevens Institute of Technology,
Castle Point, Hoboken, NJ. May 1978.
Notes on the DoD1 Language Host Environment. With A. N.
Habermann and D. Turner. June 1978.
Natural Language Control Functional Specification. Mod III
Word Processing System. Section 3. Pegasus Systems. June
1978. (revised February 1979)
Prepared for Vydec, Inc., Florham Park, NJ.
The Functional Requirements Specification, the Detailed Design,
and the Implementation of Changes to Data Validation. Pegasus
Systems. June-August 1978. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet,
Systems Research and Development.
Proposed Disc Performance Measures for the Quotron 801
Executive and the D&B AOS System. Pegasus Systems. July 1978.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
Demand Paging for the Quotron 801 Executive. With Ken Hofer.
Pegasus Systems. July 1978. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet,
Systems Research and Development.
Task Definition Macros to Generate a Compact Task Table (for the
Quotron 801 Executive). User's Guide, Design and Implementation.
Pegasus Systems. August 1978. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet,
Systems Research and Development.
The Functional Requirements Specification, Detailed Design, and
Implementation of Changes to Report File Access. Pegasus Systems.
August 1978. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research
and Development.
Natural Language Control Tools Programs: User's Guide, Design
and Implementation. With J. Hurler. Pegasus Systems. September
1978. Prepared for Vydec, Inc., Florham Park, NJ.
Preliminary Review of the Sesame Cross Assembler. Pegasus Systems.
January 1979. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research
and Development.
The Relationships Between the Software Development Support System
(SDSS) and the Military Computer Family (MCF) Target Machines.
Pegasus Systems. January 1979. Prepared for the MCF Project,
BNF Syntax Specification of Natural Language Commands. Pegasus
Systems. February 1978. Prepared for Vydec, Inc., Florham
Park, NJ.
The Descriptions of the Tables Required by NLC and Their Contents.
With J. Hurler. Pegasus Systems. March 1979. Prepared for
Vydec, Inc., Florham Park, NJ.
A Comparison of the Red and Green Languages: A Programming
Example. Pegasus Systems. March 1979. Prepared for the Army
Language Review Team and the Software Engineering Division,
Natural Language Control. Detailed Design and Implementation.
With J. Hurler. Pegasus Systems April 1979. Prepared for
Vydec, Inc., Florham Park, NJ.
Evaluation of the Red and Green Designs. With the Army Language
Review Team. April 1979. Prepared for the DoD HOLWG and the
Software Engineering Division, CENTACS, CORADCOM, Ft. Monmouth,
Disc Utilization Measurements for the
Quotron 801 Real Time Executive. Pegasus Systems. May 1979.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development,
Berkeley Heights, NJ.
Disc Scheduling Policies for the
Quotron 801 Real Time Executive. Pegasus Systems. May 1979.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development,
Berkeley Heights, NJ.
Software Measurements for System Resource Usage in the Quotron
801 Real Time Executive. Pegasus Systems. May 1979. Prepared
for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development, Berkeley
Heights, NJ.
Measurements of Disc Scheduling Algorithms
for the Quotron 801 Call In Center. Pegasus Systems. July 1979.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development,
Berkeley Heights, NJ.
Report on the Use of Ada for the Design and Implementation of
Part of Gandalf. With A. N. Habermann and D. Notkin,
Carnegie-Mellon University. Prepared for the Software
Engineering Division, CENTACS, CORADCOM, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
CMU Technical Report CMU-CS-79-135. June 1979.
Incorporating Quotron's Buffered Video Controller into the
Quotron 801 Systems. Pegasus Systems. August 1979.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
Ada LIRs. With A. N. Habermann and D. S. Notkin, Carnegie-Mellon
University. September-October 1979. Prepared for the DoD HOLWG.
Functional Specifications of the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
College Sample System. With F. E. Perry. Pegasus Systems.
October 1979. Prepared for Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
(Revised November 1980)
Incorporating Mapped Memory into the Quotron 801 Executive.
Pegasus Systems. December 1979. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet,
Systems Research and Development.
Test Plan for the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. College Sample
System. With F. E. Perry. Pegasus Systems. January 1980. Prepared for
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Increased Performance for Report Generation. Pegasus Systems.
February 1980. Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research
and Development.
The Detailed Design Specification for the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
College Sample System. With F. E. Perry. February 1980.
Prepared for Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
(Revised November 1980)
Well Formed System Composition. With A. N. Habermann. Carnegie-Mellon
University. March 1980.
Teaching Ada by Example and Modification. Pegasus Systems. April 1980.
Prepared for the Software Engineering Division, CENTACS, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Draft. Not for release.
System Composition and Version Control for Ada. With A. N. Habermann.
Carnegie-Mellon University and Pegasus Systems. May 1980.
Presented at the Symposium on Software Engineering Environments. Bonn,
West Germany. June 16-20, 1980. Published in Software Engineering
Environments, edited by H. Huenke, North Holland, l98l, pp. 331-343.
The Implementation Documentation for the HBJ College Sample System.
With F. E. Perry. November 1980. Prepared for Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Low Level Language Features in Ada. Carnegie-Mellon University and Pegasus Systems.
November 1980. Prepared for the Software Engineering Division, CENTACS,
Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Deadlock and the Quotron 801 Executive. Pegasus Systems. December 1980.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
Increased performance in Data Validation. Pegasus Systems. January 1981.
Prepared for Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development.
A Programmers Taxonomy of I/O Interfaces. Carnegie-Mellon University and Pegasus
Systems. February 1981. Draft.
Language Issues in Functional Programming. With A. N. Habermann.
Carnegie-Mellon University. March 1981. Submitted for the Functional
Programming Language Conference, October 1981, New Hampshire.
A Discussion of the Issues for the Demonstration and Performance
Monitoring in the Experimental Distributed Processing Facility
(EDPF). Prepared for Computer Systems Integration and Operations
Division, CENTACS, CORADCOM, Ft Monmouth. Pegasus Systems. December 1981.
Exceptions and Software Quality. Draft. Pegasus Systems. June 1982.
Functional Specification for the Home Life Select Quote System.
With F. E. Perry. Prepared for Home Life Insurance Corporation.
Pegasus Systems. November 1982.
File Delivery Overview. Prepared for American Bell Net 1000. Pegasus Systems.
December 1982.
File Delivery Design and Implementation. Prepared for American Bell Net 1000.
Pegasus Systems. March 1983.
Ada For Experienced Programmers. With A. Nico Habermann. Addison-Wesley.
May 1983.
Functional Specification for the Home Life ESP System. With F. E. Perry.
Prepared for Home Life Insurance Co. Pegasus Systems. April 1983.
TT: Kernel Design and Implementation. Prepared for American Bell ED&D.
Pegasus Systems. June 1983.
TT: Software Architecture. Prepared for American Bell ED&D.
Pegasus Systems. July 1983.
TT: High Level Design of the Operating System. Prepared for
American Bell ED&D. Pegasus Systems. July 1983.
TT: Detailed Design of the Operating System. Prepared for
American Bell ED&D. Pegasus Systems. July 1983.
TT: User Interface Design. With R.A.Thompson, B. John, and J. Angelilio-Bent.
American Bell ED&D. August 1983.