American Bell Inc, Engineering Design and Development. Homdel, NJ.
Contributed to the functional specification of an advanced telephone/terminal.
Participated in the design of the user interface.
Defined the software architecture, designed and implemented the operating
system and participated in the design and development of the application
Home Life Insurance Co. New York, NY.
Contributed to the functional specification, design and implementation
of several group life, medical and dental, and weekly income insurance
quotation systems. Implemented in Pascal on the Apple IIe system.
Research Group, Computer Research Division, Army Tactical Computer Technology
Laboratory, CORADCOM, Fort Monmouth, NJ.
Investigated the issues of recovery in a distributed system focusing on
the issues of reliability and continuity of operation.
Bell Laboratories and American Bell AIS. Holmdel and Lincroft NJ.
Investigated the effects of programming languages and programming
environments on the productivity of programmers and the quality of
Consulted on the ABI Net 1000 development methodology, particularly in matters
of architecture, system design and programming standards.
Specified, designed and implemented a storage area to storage area
file transfer program for the distributed network, Net 1000.
Computer System Integration and Operations Division,
CENTACS, CORADCOM, US Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ.
Investigated the basic issues in measuring and analyzing a distribute system
and recommended various approaches that might be implemented in a
distributed systems test bed.
Research Group, Computer Research Division, Army Tactical Computer Technology
Laboratory, CORADCOM, Fort Monmouth, NJ.
Collaborated with Dr. Serafino Amoroso to produce tutorial material on the
advanced programming language issues of Ada.
Investigated the basic issues in distributed systems, concentrating primarily
upon locus of control, reconfigurability, redundancy and consistency of the
data base.
Investigated the environment and tools required
for developing and maintaining computer software -
with Professor A. N. Habermann, Carnegie-Mellon
University, and his Gandalf Research Project.
Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development,
Berkeley Heights, NJ.
Reviewed new projects for additions and improvements
to the D&B AOS Minicomputer System.
Modeled, analyzed and measured the performance of
the AOS Minicomputer System: the system as a
whole as well as specific aspects of the Quotron
801 Real Time Executive.
Designed and implemented operating system software to incorporate
new hardware advances as well as improve
system performance.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. New York, NY.
Functionally specified the requirements for the
College Sample System for the College Department.
Designed and implemented the College Sample System.
Software Engineering Division, CENTACS, CORADCOM, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Collaborated with Dr. Serafino to produce a tutorial on the advanced
programming language issues of Ada.
Behrman House Inc. New York, NY
Reviewed and monitored the development and installation
of the hardware and software for the Behrman House
Publishing System.
Computer Corporation of America. Cambridge, MA.
Provided consulting on language design and implementation
issues arising from the hosting of the data base language,
Daplex, in Ada.
Software Engineering Division, CENTACS, Coradcom. Ft.
Monmouth, NJ.
Participated as a member of the Army's language
review team to review and assess the programming
language designs for the DoD Common Language.
With Professor A. N. Habermann and David Notkin,
both of Carnegie-Mellon University, designed and
implemented a program log history tool using Ada
in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses
of the language.
Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development,
Berkeley Heights, NJ.
Designed and implemented changes to the Video
Control, Data Validation, and Report File Access
Subsystems to provide improved system performance.
Analyzed and measured the AOS Minicomputer Systems
(particularly the Call-In Center under various disc
scheduling policies).
Provided overall system consulting.
Vydec, Inc., Software Engineering Division, Mod III
Stand Alone Editor (SAE) Group, Florham Park, NJ.
Provided overall system architecture and technical
management for the Mod III SAE project.
Designed the Display Resource for the Mod III SAE
project. Provided technical management of its
Directed the design and implementation of the
Intrinsic Editor for the Mod III SAE project.
Functionally specified the SAE's command language
(Natural Language Commands). Designed and implemented
the Natural Language Command (NLC) Subsystem, which
provides an interactive user interface, as well as
the tool programs to build the required state transition,
context, prompt and error tables.
Consulted on the design and implementation of the
SAE's multi-tasking operating system.
Army Research Office
DoD Common Language Effort. Participated in the
Army sponsored workshop on the DoD common language
preliminary designs. Chaired the session on low
level I/O and machine dependent language features.
Provided a critical review and assessment of the
four preliminary designs to be used in the design
selection process by the DoD Common Language Group.
TOS2 Data Base. An initial effort was made to create
a data base utilizing a commercial data base management
system, ADABASE, to interact with the previously designed
and implemented prompting system.
TACFIRE Operating System. The TACFIRE operating system
and Utilities software and documentation were reviewed
and critically assessed as to completeness, understandability,
and correctness. A sample maintenance manual
was produced for the file maintenance utility FILECOMP
to provide a model for describing TACFIRE system software
for maintenance purposes.
USAECOM Comm/ADP Lab, Advanced Systems Design and Development
Intelligent Communications Terminal. Prepared a
preliminary functional specification for the software
for the Army's Intelligent Communications
Terminal. The terminal is to be used to prepare,
store, transmit, edit, receive and print Army record
traffic communication.
Designed and implemented the system software for the
prototype terminal which utilized an 8080 microprocessor.
The prototype demonstrated the feasibility
of using a microprocessor and software to drive the
printer, keyboard, and communications. The systems
software included printer, CRT display, keyboard,
communications, and clock interrupt handlers, as well
as request handlers for printing, reading the keyboard,
transmitting a message, and setting
and resetting audio and visual alarms.
In addition, simulation was provided to enable the
US Army Signal School to determine the software
functions that will satisfy their requirements.
The simulator was written in COBOL to run under
either a DEC-10 or an IBM 370 time-sharing system.
USAECOM Comm/ADP Lab, Computer Software Engineering Team
TOS2 Prompting System. Designed and implemented a
prompting and validation system to provide a testbed
to explore prompting and validation techniques
for complex messages where the primary source of
allowable input is a large mnemonic/data element
dictionary. The system was implemented in COBOL.
Development began on the Burroughs 5500 timesharing
system and Bolt Beranek and Newman's TENEX time-
sharing system on the DEC-10. For final test,
demonstration and evaluation, the system was moved
to an IBM 370/158 in order to provide faster response
Dun & Bradstreet, Systems Research and Development
Designed and implemented the Sigma 5 Message Switch
Post Processor. In order to provide faster
response time by the Message Switch, the message
blocks received from the Dial-Up Controller (Quotron
801) were written immediately to magnetic tape in
received order. The Post Processor (run under the
CP-V timesharing system on the Sigma 9 and written
in Fortran and Meta-Symbol) assembled the separate
blocks of the message into complete messages and
produced magnetic tapes containing these completed
messages according to the user's specifications
(i.e., labeled or unlabeled, blocked or unblocked,
variable or fixed length records). These messages
processed were usually D&B credit reports.
Provided top-level D&B SR&D management with an
analysis, overview and model of the Sigma 9 AOS data
base and associated processing and suggested
design enhancements to improve the overall efficiency
of the system.
Provided overall technical management for the QSI
development Staff (20 people) in the requirements
definition, design, implementation and enhancement
of the ALO/AOS System.
Managed the Communications Group of the QSI Development
Staff (5 people). Responsible for the dial-up communications
and development of the requirements and design
for the Sigma 9/Quotron 801 multi-drop communications
Designed and implemented enhancements to the Quotron
Executive, the Utility Monitor, the Report File
Access, the User Dialogs, the Report Validation,
and Communications Subsystems.
Quotron Systems Inc.
Provided consulting to the QSI Development Staff at D&B
in matters of design, implementation and debugging of
the ALO System.
Designed and implemented the Binary-Synchronous Communications
handler for the Dial-Up Communications Front End
Processor for the Sigma 5 Message Switch.
Contributed to the overall design of the D&B ALO System
and, in particular, designed and implemented the Report
File and various other system files, the Report File
Access, User Dialogs and Training Mode Subsystems.
Planning Research Corp.
Provided a study on the problems and aspects of producing
reliable software, exploring: 1) aspects of reliability
in hardware and how they might be applied to software,
and 2) techniques used and problems encountered in producing
successful software. In addition, an annotated bibliography
was provided of current literature on the subject of software
Member of a team responsible for the development and
maintenance of computer programs designed to control
satellites for the US Air Force. Responsible for analysis,
design and implementation, system testing and validation of
TACFIRE: Provided the primary liaison between PRC and Litton,
interfacing with the following functions: Litton Applications
Program Staff, Compiler staff, L3050 Operations and
Mellonics 360 Operations. Responsible for knowledge of,
and providing guidance for, the use of the TACPOL compiler
and language, operating systems, simulation testing, and
parameter and integration testing. Responsible for the
analysis, design and implementation of various programs
and data bases.
Produced a technical and marketing analysis of computer
peripheral equipment for an investment counseling firm.
The areas covered were: input devices - symbolic and
graphic; output devices - symbolic and graphic; and mass
visual data retrieval systems. This entailed a bibliographic
and informational search; an analysis of the
current state-of-the-art; a comparison in terms of price
and technical considerations; and evaluation of the
equipment and an indication of areas for future break-throughs;
and analysis of the current market, indicating
current and potential applications; a determination of
the dollar volume and present shares in that volume;
and a projection of potential growth for the markets as
a whole and the individual companies within that market.
Produced an annotated bibliographic study of the production
of real time software. This study entailed a thorough
search of computing and management literature, selecting,
abstracting, reviewing and evaluating the resultant material.
Systems Development Corp.
Designed and partially implemented CASP, the Computer
Automated Secretary Program, which provided input and
editing capabilities from an interactive typewriter
Designed and implemented the HELP program to provide
interactive, on-line assistance to instruct the user in
functions, commands, services and messages of the Q32
Time Sharing System. HELP was incorporated into the
Worked on the LISP II compiler implementation project.