Memory-and Communication-Aware Model Compression for Distributed Deep Learning Inference on IoT. To appear in CODES+ISSS, ES Week, ACM TECS, 2019.
Dream Distillation: A Data-Independent Model Compression Framework. ICML 2019 Workshop on On-Device Machine Learning and Compact Deep Network Representations (Oral), 2019.
On-Chip Communication Network for Efficient Training of Deep Convolutional Networks on Heterogeneous Manycore Systems (Nov. 2018). here
3D NoC_Enabled Heterogeneous Manycore Architectures for Accelerating CNN Training: Performance and Thermal Trade-offs (Oct. 2017) here
Imitation learning for dynamic VFI control in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (Sept. 2017). here
Hybrid Network-on-Chip Architectures for Accelerating Deep Learning Kernels on Heterogeneous Manycore Platforms (Oct. 2016) here
Wireless NoC and Dynamic VFI Co-Design published in IEEE Trans. VLSI (2016). hereECE News Article
Wireless NoC for VFI-Enabled Multicore Chip Design: Performance Evaluation and Design Trade-offs (Apr. 2016) here
Statistical Learning in Chip (SLIC) (Nov. 2015) here
The (Low) Power of Less Wiring: Enabling Energy Efficiency in Many-Core Platforms Through Wireless NoC (Nov. 2015) here
Support Vector Regression (SVR) based Latency Model for Network-on-Chip (NoC) Architectures (Aug. 2015) here
Energy efficient MapReduce with VFI-enabled multicore platforms (Jun. 2015) here
Social Networks
Weighted betweenness preferential attachment: a new mechanism explaining social network formation and evolution published in Scientific Reports (2018).here
Demensionality reduction via community detection in small sample datasets (June 2018). here
Data-Driven Enginnering of Social Dynamics published in PLOS ONE (2016). here
Opinion Formation and Diffusion in Social Networks published in PeerJ Computer Science (2016). here
Multi-Scale Compositionality: Identifying the Compositional Structures of Social Dynamics Using Deep Learning published in PLOS ONE(Apr. 2015) here
Biological Systems
Accurate classification on phenotypes from metagenomic data using neural networks (Sept. 2018) here
Microbial community detection through phylogenetic graphical lasso (July 2018) here
Inferring microbial association network in PLOS COMP. BIO (Dec. 2017). here
Molecular communication with DNA cellular storage system (Sept. 2017) here
Inferring Microbial Interactions from Metagenomic Time-series Using Prior Biological Knowledge (Aug. 2017) here
Bacteria-based drug delivery system in Elsevier Nano Communication Networks (Feb. 2017). here
Impacts of quorum sensing inhibitions (QSI) on strain competition and development of QSI resistance in Nature Scientific Reports (Oct. 2016). here
An Autonomous and Adaptive Bacteria-based Drug Delivery System (Sept. 2016) here
Autonomous and Adaptive Control of Populations of Bacteria Through Environment Regulation (Sept. 2016) here
Molecular tweeting: unveiling the social network behind heterogeneous bacteria populations (Sept.2015) here
Towards Autonomous Control of Molecular Communication in Populations of Bacteria (Sept. 2015)here
Computational Sustainability
Computational approaches for incorporating short-term and long-term dynamics in smart water networks (2018).here
Discovering hidden knowledge in carbon emissions data in international conference on discovery science (2017). here
Enhancing precipitation models by capturing multivariate and multiscale climate dynamics (2017) here
K-hop learning: a network-based feature extraction for improved river flow prediction (2017). here
Non-stationary Bayesian Learning for Global Sustainability in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (Jun. 2017). here
Network-based Modeling and Analysis of Cloud Fraction and Precipitation: A case study for the Ohio River Basin (Apr. 2015) here