Due: Monday 4/22/2019 at 10:00pm
The goal of this assignment is to implement and test a binary search tree (BST).
You will be given the header file for a templated BST. Some of the functions will be written and you will need to complete the rest. You will also need to write a program to test each function. We will also provide a simple starting driver program and a text file (you don't have to test the program with strings and an input file).
We will be grading the program with a script, but note that the return types for the traversals are vectors and the other functions either return integer or boolean values. We will be able to verify the results using our own driver and making sure that the returned vectors match our expected results. Note: We will only test with unique values.
Turn in: Turn in a zipped file named prog07_xxxxx.zip where xxxxxx is your UT EID to Canvas.