#ifndef UTPOD_H
#define UTPOD_H
#include "Song.h"

//UtPod class declaration
class UtPod
      static const int MAX_MEMORY = 512;
      static const int SUCCESS = 0;
      static const int NO_MEMORY = -1;
      static const int NOT_FOUND = -2;
      struct SongNode
         Song s;
         SongNode *next;
      SongNode *songs;  //the head pointer
      int podMemSize;  //the total amount of memory available on the UtPod
      //Default constructor
      //set the memory size to MAX_MEMORY

      //Constructor with size parameter
      //The user of the class will pass in a size.
      //If the size is greater than MAX_MEMORY or less than or equal to 0,
      //set the size to MAX_MEMORY.
      UtPod(int size);

      /* FUNCTION - int addSong
       * attempts to add a new song to the UtPod
           o returns a 0 if successful
           o returns -1 if not enough memory to add the song

       precondition: s is a valid Song

       input parms -

       output parms -

      int addSong(Song const &s);

      /* FUNCTION - int removeSong
       * attempts to remove a song from the UtPod
       * removes the first instance of a song that is in the the UtPod multiple times
           o returns 0 if successful
           o returns -2 if song not found

         input parms -

         output parms -

      int removeSong(Song const &s);

      /* FUNCTION - void shuffle
       *  shuffles the songs into random order
          o will do nothing if there are less than two songs in the current list

         input parms -

         output parms -

      void shuffle();

      /* FUNCTION - void showSongList
       * prints the current list of songs in order from first to last to standard output
       * format - Title, Artist, size in MB (one song per line)

         input parms -

         output parms -

      void showSongList();

      /* FUNCTION - void sortSongList
       *  sorts the songs in ascending order
          o will do nothing if there are less than two songs in the current list

         input parms -

         output parms -

      void sortSongList();

      /* FUNCTION - void clearMemory
       * clears all the songs from memory

         input parms -

         output parms -
      void clearMemory();

      /* FUNCTION - int getTotalMemory
       *  returns the total amount of memory in the UtPod

         input parms -

         output parms -

      int getTotalMemory() {
         return podMemSize;

      /* FUNCTION - int getRemainingMemory
       *  returns the amount of memory available for adding new songs

         input parms -

         output parms -

      int getRemainingMemory();

