EE 312 - Software
Design and Implementation I
15975 | MW W |
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. |
UTC 4.104 EER 0.818 |
Seth |
15985 | MW W |
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. |
UTC 4.104 EER 0.818 |
Ravi |
15990 | MW W |
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. |
UTC 4.104 EER 0.818 |
Seth |
16015 | MW W |
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. |
ECJ 1.204 EER 0.818 |
Ravi |
16020 | MW W |
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. |
ECJ 1.204 EER 0.818 |
Ravi |
16025 | MW W |
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. |
ECJ 1.204 EER 0.818 |
Seth |
16030 | MW W |
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. |
ECJ 1.204 EER 0.818 |
Seth |
Office Hours: MTW 1:45-3:00, before and after class, and by appointment.
Office: EER 7.822
E-mail: roger.priebe (at) (email is the best way to
contact me)
We have set up a discussion group for the class on Piazza.
All students must become familiar with the University's official e-mail student notification policy. It is your responsibility to keep the University informed as to changes in your e-mail address. You are expected to check e-mail on a frequent and regular basis in order to stay current with University-related communications, recognizing that certain communications may be time-critical. It is recommended that e-mail be checked daily. Instructions for updating your e-mail address are available here.
You are responsible for checking your e-mail and the class discussion group regularly for class work and announcements.
Piazza is to be used for technical questions and questions of general interest. If you have a question regarding your grade, attendance, special requirements etc., you must contact the staff by email. Include your EID and course name. If relevant, include your TA or grader(s) (and/or Priebe), as well as your project partner (with his/her EID), in every email. Use Reply All whenever possible to keep everyone in the loop. Include the unique or the recitation date and time if relevant, and the same also for your partner.
Any agreement between you and an instructor must be confirmed by email. Oral agreements may not be honored unless confirmed in writing.
Do not use Canvas mail to contact the instructor staff.
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ (Second Edition), Weiss. Published by Addison-Wesley, 2000
ISBN: 0-201-61250-X (Recommended)
(Note: This is an old book, but good. We won't take assignments directly from the book, but I will post readings. You should be able to find a used version of the book.)
Thinking in C++ (2nd edition), by Bruce Eckel. (Recommended)
This textbook is available at no charge online.
Programming assignments will be posted here. Without valid proof of an unexpected emergency, you will receive a grade of zero if you miss the deadline.
More information regarding software packages and programming
environments can be found here.
We will have frequent quizzes during the lab portion of the course.
We will not accept late work without a valid documented excuse. Makeup exams and quizzes will not be given under any circumstances, but under exceptional conditions, other arrangements may be made.
If you are dissatisfied with a grade you receive, you must submit your handwritten complaint (stapled to the front of the graded work) along with supporting evidence or arguments. We must receive this protest within one week of the date on which we first attempt to return the assignment to you. We will not consider any grade change request that does not fulfill this requirement. If we use Gradescope, we will allow regrade requests through the system. You should never email a regrade request to me or the TA.
Read the academic integrity policy that we expect and enforce at UT Austin.
"...You and other students are expected to maintain absolute integrity and a high standard of individual honor in scholastic work undertaken at the University. This is a very basic expectation that is further reinforced by the University's Honor Code. At a minimum, you should complete any assignments, exams, and other scholastic endeavors with the utmost honesty, which requires you to:
Every piece of work that you turn in with your name on it must be yours and yours alone unless explicitly allowed by an instructor in a particular class. Specifically, unless otherwise authorized by an instructor:
You are responsible for complying with this policy in two ways:
One final word: This policy is not intended to discourage students from learning from each other, nor is it unmindful of the fact that most significant work in engineering and computer science is done by teams of people working together. But, because of our need to assign individual grades, we are forced to impose an otherwise artificial requirement for individual work. In some classes, it is possible to allow and even encourage collaboration in ways that do not interfere with the instructor's ability to assign grades. In these cases, your instructor will make clear to you exactly what kinds of collaboration are allowed for that class.
For this course, the policy on collaboration is modified as follows:
If you are repeating the course you may reuse code you completed on your own. You may NOT use code from a program you worked on as part of a pair or code that was from a program involved in an academic dishonesty case. You must start from scratch on any and all programs that:
You are encouraged to study for tests together, to discuss methods for solving the assignments, to help each other in using the software, and to discuss methods for debugging code. Essentially if you talk about an assignment with any one else you are okay, but the moment you start looking at another person's source code or showing someone else your source code you have crossed the line into cheating. You should not ask anyone to give you a copy of their code or, conversely, give your code to another student who asks you for it. Similarly, you should not discuss your algorithmic strategies to such an extent that you and your collaborators end up turning in exactly the same code. Discuss high level approaches together, but do the coding on your own.
Examples of cheating are many and include accessing another student's account, looking at another person's solution code, copying or downloading another person's solution code, referring to solutions from previous semesters, having another student walk you through the solution and how to code it, having another student perform significant debugging of your code, having another student write your code for you and / or allowing others to copy of access your solution code. This means DON'T look on the internet for code to solve your problems. (You won't learn anything!)
Examples of allowable collaboration include discussions and debate of general concepts and solution strategies and help with syntax errors.
The code you can reuse in this course are:
You shall not make use of code you find from other sources including the world wide web. Materials from the web should only be used for educational purposes. Thus, you can read about linked lists and look at examples of linked list code, but you must not copy any code from the web or be looking at any of this code from the web when writing anything you turn in. If you discuss an assignment with another student or look at examples from the web you should employ the World of Warcraft Rule:
World of Warcraft Rule: After a discussion with another student or looking at example code you should do something that has nothing to do with computer science or programming for at least half an hour -- playing World of Warcraft or other similar activity. (Watching a sitcom, reading a book, working on another class.)
Note: You are allowed to post short segments (2 lines or less) of code that are giving you syntax errors to the class discussion group in order to get help on fixing the syntax error.
If you have any doubts about what is allowed, ask the instructor.
Plagiarism detection software may be used on assignments to find students who have copied code from one another and to check projects from previous semesters.
University Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty.
By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence.
Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 512-471-6259, Please present written proof of your special need from the above-mentioned office by the twelfth day of class. If your accommodation includes a longer duration or quiet facilities for the midterms or final, it is your responsibility to secure a spot in the SSD facilities on the day of the exam, overlapping with the regular exam time (if possible). You will have to request these facilities a month in advance of the test. The spots fill up fast!
Grades will be based on a 90-80-70-60 system. No plusses or minuses. 89.5 will be rounded up (as will each of the cutoffs).
Important Dates for Changing Academic Status and Dropping the
Refer to the Registrar's academic calendar for the deadlines for changes in academic status. Highlights are:
Students experiencing
significant nonacademic problems (extended health problems or
family emergencies) should contact the Engineering
Student Services in the ESS Building at 2407
Speedway, ( 512-471-4321) or the Dean of Student's
Office (
for assistance.
Last updated: 1/23/19