Digital Audio


1.         Answer:

a.      Express the Signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR) as a function of number of bits per sample.

b.      Telephone audio's (speech) frequency band is 200-3400Hz, what would be an appropriate sampling rate according to the Nyquist Theorem? What is the actual sampling rate in practice?

2.      Answer

a.      What is the largest (worst) quantization error?

b.      When is non-linear quantization beneficial compared to linear quantization?

3.      Answer

a.      What is the data-rate of CD-Audio? Show how you arrived at this value.

b.      Ten minutes of a MIDI formatted audio takes 200KB. How many bytes does 10 mins of CD-Audio take.

4.      Answer

a.      The process of quantization introduces noise (true/false).

b.      Quantization divides the horizontal time axis and Sampling divides the vertical amplitude axis (true/false).

c.      Human hearing frequency range is _________ to __________.

d.      MIDI cannot represent human voice (true/false).