Running Windows on a Mac
Ramesh Yerraballi
This document will explain how to run Microsoft Windows on
your Mac.
Here is what you need:
- A Mac preferably one that has a Intel Core Duo processor or
- A virtualization software. Here are some choices:
- Parallels ( $79 retail but the
campus computer store has a better deal ($39.99 I think for version 7)
- VMware Fusion (
$50 retail but again the campus computer store may have a better
- VirtualBox ( Its FREE
Parallels is the most feature rich of the lot but VMware
Fusion is the fastest. Of course Virtualbox is free like free beer!
- Windows 7 OS CD from the campus computer store ($34 I think)
This is the order in which you should proceed with the installation.
- Install the virtualization software. The first two options are
pretty straightforward, the third I have not run myself. Once
you complete your installation, you will be presented with instructions
on creating virtual images of the OSs you would like to run.
- You will install Windows within the virtualization software you
choose. Here is the prompt I get from Fusion when I choose

Insert the Windows CD and go through the steps of installing the OS.
This should take around 45 mins or so.
- Now you are ready to run Windows. Again, you will open your
virtualization application and choose the Windows OS you just installed
to be run. My Fusion screen looks like below showing Windows Vista as
the OS that I can run:

Click on the play button and you will boot the Windows OS. You will be
running both Windows and Mac OS at this point. There are some neat
features in both Fusion and Parallels that allow you to seamlessly
integrate the running of applications from both Operating systems.