Spring 2006 Instrumentation II: Real Time Computer Based Systems
EE385J.17 16003   and    BME384J  13453 
Jonathan W. Valvano, ENS627, 471-5141, University of Texas at Austin
MW 1100-11:50 am, ENS321
Lab F 1100-11:50 am, ENS321
Office Hours: Monday 12-12:45, Wednesday 2-3, Friday 10-11
email valvano@mail.utexas.edu
Required Text Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Morris, 3rd edition/2001 ISBN: 0750650818 
   1) EE338K Analog circuit design, op amps
   2) EE322C Data structures 
   3) Differential equations, Fourier transforms, Laplace Transforms, Z Transforms
   4) EE345L, EE345S, or EE374L embedded microcontrollers
   1) Instrument design, safety, noise
      Specifications and requirements
      Performance evaluation
   2) Noise analysis
      Theoretical considerations
      Measurement techniques, and reduction practices
   3) Real time software in C and LabView
      Debugging techniques, I/O, graphical interfaces
      Interrupts, sampling jitter
            FIFO queue analysis
   4) Instrumentation Hardware and Software
      Amplifiers, DAC and ADC, Isolation circuits, Digital and analog filters,
      Data acquisition systems, fixed point math, digital filters
   5) System design methods
      Brainstorming, design cycles, teamwork, PCB layout and fabrication, testing

Grading policy
   15% Quiz 1 (closed book and open book) 3/22, in class
   15% Quiz 2 (closed book and open book) 4/19, in class
   30% Final Exam (closed book and open book), 5/11, 9am-12n, as scheduled
   40% The 3 structured labs, and one term project using LabView or 9S12C32
      Lab 1. Analog and Digital Noise Analysis, due 2/24 in class
      Lab 2. Qualitative DAS, e.g., Heart Sound or Voice Recording, due 3/10  in class
      Lab 3. Quantitative DAS, e.g., Temperature or Acceleration, due 3/31 in class
      Lab 4. Working prototype of Embedded  System Project, due 4/14 in class
      Lab 5. Instrumentation System Project, due 5/3 demo in class, 5/5 report due

Cheating: Cheating is very uncivilized behavior and is to be avoided at all cost. You are allowed to talk to your classmates about the lab assignments, but you are NOT allowed to look at each other’s written work. Oral discussion about an assignment is encouraged and is not considered to be cheating. Copying of any part of a program is cheating without explicit reference to its source. If two programs are found to be copied, there will be a substantial penalty to both students, e.g., failure in the course. Students who cheat on tests or in lab will fail. Prosecution of cases is very traumatic to both the student and instructor.  PLEASE DO YOUR OWN WORK.
Policies concerning the use of other peoples’ software in this class:
     • I strongly encourage you to study existing software.
     • All applications and libraries must be legally obtained. E.g.,
          You may use libraries that came when you bought a compiler.
          You may use software obtained from a BBS or on the WWW.
          You may copy and paste from the existing source code.
     • You may use any existing source code that is clearly referenced and categorized:
: completely written by you;
: fundamental approach is copied but it is your implementation;
: source code significantly edited to serve your purpose;
: source code includes minor modifications.

Attendance: Students are expected to attend class. In this class, a large part of the material is not in any one book. If you miss class you may find it difficult to catch up.
Lab Partners: Labs may be performed in groups of two or three. The lab partnership must be registered with Valvano (a simple hand written note signed by both students will suffice) at least a week before the assignment is due. Once registered, the partnership will continue. A partnership can be dissolved by either party in writing 1 week before the assignment is due. All partners must be present during the demonstration.
Legal Stuff:
The 12th class day is Feb. 1.  After this date, I will sign a drop card only if it has been approved by the Dean. Your current grade status must be a "C" or better for you to receive a "Q". Course/instructor evaluation is conducted on the last class day in accordance with the Measurement and Evaluation Center form. The final exam is at the time and place stated in the course schedule. The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students with Disabilities at 471-6259, 471-4241 TDD.
Cognitive Objective Categories
1. Knowledge, the repetition of facts
2. Comprehension, the ability to paraphrase into one’s own words
3. Application, the ability to apply a general principle to a new specific instance
4. Analysis, the ability to identify component parts
5. Synthesis, the ability to create a new system out of components
6. Evaluation, the ability to make critical judgments
Affective Objective Categories
1. Willingness to receive and incorporate new information
2. Acceptance, organization and commitment to a value system

Students can get LabView CDs at engineering IT service desk (tel:232-2486, ECJ 2.506).

To access computers in ENS321, students needs LRC  accounts that they should apply through https://www.engr.utexas.edu/itg/  a few weeks early before the lab.

Date Chapter Topic
1/25 1,2 Introduction, general instrumentation,
1/27 3-4 Noise
1/30 5 Noise
2/1 handout Analog op amp design
2/3 LabView demo
2/8 handout Instrumentation amps
2/10 9S12C32 demonstration
2/13 handout Analog filter design
2/15 handout DAC, ADC, S/H, multiplexers
2/17 handout FFT
2/20 Statistics 
2/22 Digital filters 
2/24 Lab checkout (Lab 1 due)
2/27 Heart sounds and microphones
3/1 Fundamentals of temperature transducers
3/3 Thermistors, thermocouples, RTD
3/6 Temperature instrumentation errors 
3/8 Fixed point math in C 
3/10 Lab checkout (Lab 2 due)
3/20 Real time programming in C, FIFO data structures
3/22 In class Quiz 1 (up to and including statistics, Labs 1,2)
3/24 Electrical safety
3/27 Biopotentials, ekg amps
3/31 Lab checkout  (Lab 3 due)
4/5 Cross Correlation
4/7 LCD graphics and user interfaces
4/10 PCB layout
4/14 Lab checkout  (Lab 4 due)
4/19 In class Quiz 2 (up to and including  Lab 4)
4/21 Displacement, force pressure transducers
4/24 pressure transducers
4/26 Flow transducers
4/28 Isolation amplifiers
5/3 Lab checkout  (Lab 5 due)
5/5 review, course evaluation (Lab 5 report due)
5/11 Final exam, regularly scheduled, 9am-12n