Embedded Systems - Shape The World
Jonathan Valvano and Ramesh Yerraballi
Professors Valvano and Yerraballi teach an online class on Embedded Systems. For more information see: https://www.edx.org/course/embedded-systems-shape-world-utaustinx-ut-6-02x. To download all the caption files, YerraballiValvano_srt.zip.
Video file |
YouTube link |
Caption file |
Description |
C1_0 |
EcEOGGmX8c8.srt |
Course Overview Video |
C1.1a |
Jwoe_CF8ozA.srt |
Valvano Introduction |
C1.1b |
ahTNBXBI-rA.srt |
Yerraballi Introduction |
C1.2 |
JLEl0dWoqW8.srt |
Learning Philosophy |
C1.3 |
y2yCXlQAcZs.srt |
Expectations: who and
prerequisites |
C1.5 |
Y6A3kajLgP0.srt |
Kit and Lab Solutions |
C1.6 |
Rc1ohac7Fi8.srt |
The role of simulation and
working in teams |
C1.7 |
mG7l8QrBhoQ.srt |
what's new? |
C2 0 |
ZoHjGRtl39s.srt |
examples of embedded systems |
C2 1a |
Rd2BEVNZdDo.srt |
binary |
C2 1b |
kPnPCaDgz8A.srt |
hexadecimal |
C2 1c 7 |
kYxKjMAFDBE.srt |
signed numbers |
C2 2a |
5OJrQDgUmPM.srt |
Embedded Systems |
C2 2b |
LD1dd8uRfj4.srt |
Computer |
C2 2c |
R7RFjNFycyU.srt |
Ports |
C2 3a |
VB8iLtfy3Cc.srt |
Registers |
C2 3b |
F9HZfJWdV-A.srt |
Assembly |
C2 3c |
u9UUVh8YoEg.srt |
Address space |
C2.4 |
NGonOa7sCK0.srt |
Embedded system development
process |
D2.4 |
47E_7XvvDpo.srt |
Port pins |
D2.7 |
ndvwEznOyCc.srt |
memory datasheet |
D2.0 |
EzXcbvVfFOk.srt |
RCGC2 datasheet lookup |
C3.0a |
_DgexVhva9E.srt |
Introduction to electronics |
C3.0b |
FnG0vOYMu3Q.srt |
Voltage division, current
division |
C3.0c |
xpiamDPXQrI.srt |
Battery, power, energy |
D3.0 |
DM3eO2Y8wgg.srt |
resistors datasheet |
C4.0-new |
glkEjtsAR6M.srt |
Introduction |
C4.0b |
0l4bX4LxeKc.srt |
Introduction to digital logic |
C4.1 |
s8hemthErDk.srt |
Building a NAND gate |
D4.0 |
QaxFxLZk9mo.srt |
VOH VOL VIH VIL datasheet |
C5.0 |
jXledBILjQE.srt |
Introduction to C |
C5.1.1 |
KM-RXkXuon8.srt |
History of C |
C5.2-resh |
Kr35rtq4Vu4.srt |
Running printf |
C5.3 |
ddtqdE7Fnz0.srt |
Calculate area of square room |
C5.4 |
UkezMg3zw-k.srt |
Writing functions in C |
C5.5 |
i-DBf3BXGPA.srt |
if-then and debugging |
C5.6 |
aiL8uy1OoQI.srt |
Input and user interaction |
C6.0 |
BXXbmqezlwM.srt |
Introduction |
C6.1a |
nsB1jbKzyb8.srt |
I/O concepts |
C6.1b |
Vps1XmJYSZU.srt |
Intro to Launchpad |
C6.1c Reshoot |
du1c7LVPDFA.srt |
Port F software |
C6.2a |
yp9-AbVyljc.srt |
Development in simulator |
C6.2b |
0LLD1kLFN-U.srt |
Friendly code |
D6.0 |
VI2vrRwzWio.srt |
Datasheet GPIO registers |
C7.0 Introduction |
mImPl2MALcQ.srt |
Introduction to Chapter 7 | |
C7.1 |
WecgQHZxIAI.srt |
Development cycle |
C7.2 |
qsFLfXm5GAY.srt |
Requirements |
C7.3 |
zsF6gYMuo8o.srt |
Pseudocode and flowchart |
C8.0 |
http://youtu.be/ahjCuR8avjE |
ahjCuR8avjE.srt |
Introduction to Chapter 8 |
C8.1A |
b1nHX5w43NU.srt |
Requirements document |
C8.1B |
zKY3R7_Jl_8.srt |
Components |
C8.1C |
UGaXmUhG3k8.srt |
Data flow graph |
C8.1D |
XOaK2IcmUTg.srt |
Flowchart |
C8_VideoPre2 |
http://youtu.be/wimHddQckWA | wimHddQckWA.srt |
Switch data sheet |
C8.2 |
2yMyb80A4IA.srt |
Interface a switch |
C8_VideoPre3 |
http://youtu.be/IR8Ikwf5dZM | IR8Ikwf5dZM.srt |
LED data sheet |
C8.3 |
CJuJ_cc2JIo.srt |
Interface an LED |
C8.4 |
5m_zvCo1q_s.srt |
Software solution in
Simulation |
C8.5 |
7XrzA4wlYWg.srt |
Build circuit |
C8.6 |
3u1jUnvlCSg.srt |
Debug in hardware |
C8.7 |
m7MTa6xELZU.srt |
TExaSdisplay scope debug |
C9.0 |
80saw2XIx8M.srt |
Introduction to arrays and
debugging |
C9.1 |
fMqCBMWZ0pk.srt |
SysTick timer |
C9 2a |
k3TWKrdKmX8.srt |
Intro to arrays |
C9.2b |
ratuOmU_Qkg.srt |
example of Arrays |
C9 2c |
denGqylqjo4.srt |
Strings |
C9.3a |
MPMa70YEFB4.srt |
white/black box testing,
intrusiveness |
C9.3b |
zGX-3FEN5IY.srt |
logic analyzer debugging,
toggle PF1 |
C9.3c |
QLZLfkZn7Jo.srt |
functional debugging, save in
array |
C10 0 |
PLsSwhjKQZs.srt |
Finite State Machine
Introduction |
C10 1a |
9tzjY1GURxc.srt |
C10 1b |
cnlLBQc32Y0.srt |
Systick |
D10.0.mp4 |
H6T9Ir7AQ4c.srt |
sheet SysTick |
C10 2 |
l3kU-OjP5cY.srt |
Finite State Machines |
C10 3 |
lJu8XWjqffE.srt |
Structs |
C10 4 |
hT0tHMp3m5k.srt |
FSM example, count odd ones,
C10 4b |
omupgLSEF4M.srt |
FSM example, count odd ones,
code |
C10_4c |
sDjySwqXFKE.srt |
show a traffic light |
C10_TrafficLight |
NjaMe4s0Zz8.srt |
Traffic light FSM design |
C10.4D.mp4 |
kgABPjf9qLI.srt |
New Traffic light FSM design |
C10_LineTrackRobot |
r-bNPLRdAqk.srt |
Line tracking robot |
C10 5d |
sLVCO4G6itA.srt |
show a stepper motor |
C10 5a |
Gagr_KyDYAA.srt |
Stepper motor robot, STG |
C10 5b |
GZnFAPGM9mw.srt |
Stepper motor software |
C10 5c |
-RLDOq-sW6g.srt |
Stepper motor robot
demonstration |
C10_5_B2 |
sxgamL2aCn4.srt |
Stepper motor robot logic
analyzer |
C11_Video0 |
vNHHbwzKdJo.srt |
Introduction |
C11_Video1 |
pBrghZ5XMr8.srt |
Device types with regards to
Synchronization |
C11_Video2a |
wdOqQCNWC3c.srt |
UART, History, Concept and
the RS232 protocol |
C11_Video2b |
9xRmNLc7ZOo.srt |
C11_Video3 |
gGtm9PN44Uo.srt |
UART Device Driver |
D11.0.mp4 |
AH8ZpOSkh_Q.srt |
Look up UART registers in
data sheet |
C11_Video4 |
zF1swxwoPq8.srt |
Number conversions |
C11 Video 5a |
fWgV7fFLJ3k.srt |
Chat tool functionality |
C11 Video 5b |
kbKg-QGoHDE.srt |
show logic analyzer signals |
C11 Video 5bLA |
CoM92k3nGhQ.srt |
logic analyzer |
C11 Video 5c |
g3V4KnWxdMo.srt |
Chat Room demonstration |
C12 0 |
3727LI4TIeE.srt |
Introduction |
C12 Video1a |
y-v2zJh53bk.srt |
Interrupts |
C12 Video1b |
Kt_pVkFPj3c.srt |
Interrupt Processing |
C12 Video2 |
vjboJ9rDEJM.srt |
Inter-thread Communication
Synchronization |
C12 Video3a |
uRbhW-gimZI.srt |
Use edge-triggered interrupts |
C12 Video3b |
sTxtG1UX1_0.srt |
configuring edge triggered
interrupts |
C12 Video3c |
KIOJTpdS4d8.srt |
Edge triggered interrupts |
C12 Video3d |
sNhlNi0zL2A.srt |
Demo of Systick
interrupt software |
D12.0.mp4 |
pStlJQ4WiRc.srt |
Look up audio jack in data sheets |
C12 Video4a |
O33fg9621QI.srt |
DC motor interface |
C12 Video4b |
PCfkXtJ549s.srt |
PWM flowcharts |
C12 Video4c |
S9Jay8ib9yc.srt |
PWM software |
C12 Video4d)pre |
j7z0LfT25yw.srt |
Building of robot car |
D13B.mp4 |
3VGVkLo_FDg.srt |
Look up TIP parameters in the
data sheet |
C12 Video4d |
p4QevDMCuKo.srt |
Scope output showing PWM
signal |
C12 Video4e |
8gEZlEu5GxY.srt |
Robot car demo |
C13_Video0 |
XOOEUhV9w5I.srt |
Introduction to DAC |
C13_Video1 |
IjNN3gRmmxE.srt |
Sampling |
C13_Video2 |
mo0kEPlOIvQ.srt |
Nyquist Theorem Both examples |
C13_Video3 |
5LveKTMGuEM.srt |
A 3-bit binary-weighted DAC |
C13_Video4 |
V7mA-2kw_ys.srt |
Sound as an analog signal: |
C13_Video5a_1 |
BHLSiifPEes.srt |
Design of an R-2R DAC |
C13_Video5b_1 |
DfuhVG5LKxA.srt |
C13_Video5c |
FTOcCjC5gbU.srt |
Show software R2R 3bit |
C13_video5d |
bTRFsB3nBDs.srt |
Construction of a R-2R DAC |
C13_Video5e |
7YvyQfn7s1o.srt |
Connect to scope and show PF3
and Sine wave
output |
C13_Video6 |
cGIpODQyPO4.srt |
speaker oscillating:
amplitude (power) and
pitch |
C14 Video 0 |
4XuVDdLqKrI.srt |
Introduction to Data
Acquisition |
C14 Video 1 |
zilfgmsXeeE.srt |
Digitization |
C14 Video 2 |
mAtri-cYSvk.srt |
Successive Approximation |
C14 Video 3 1 |
tXt4c7_Uz98.srt |
C14 Video 4 |
YCScddUsZZA.srt |
Software on the TM4C to
sample one channel |
D13A.mp4 |
sNGe_UR5LVY.srt |
Look up ADC registers in the
data sheet |
C14 Video 5 |
VNftf5qLpiA.srt |
Nyquist Theorem and aliasing
audio added at
end |
C14 Video 6 |
0PefsLtHGVw.srt |
Data acquisition (sensor,
signal processing,
ADC, software) |
C14 Video 7 |
Tt9uL9IRyIw.srt |
Autonomous Robot Car |
C15_Video0 |
O5S84d08kfQ.srt |
Introduction (V and Y) |
C15_Video1 |
YJ855nhKJeA.srt |
Overview requirements document |
C15_Video2 |
hqTA4uJ6nBg.srt |
Modular design |
C15_Video3 |
ZCNFdYtrNXw.srt |
Graphics |
C15_Video4 |
VyEAtqWR1dQ.srt |
Creating new images, has a
live video insert |
C15_Video5 |
9BLtHUR5SME.srt |
Sprites, has a live video
insert |
C15_Video6 |
Timer 2A |
C15_LabOverview |
9s85rfrV6nc.srt |
Overview of lab |
C16_0 |
In production |
C16_1 |
In production |
C16_2 |
In production |
C16_3 |
In production |
C16_4 |
In production |
C16_5 |
In production |
Lab2A |
SRr6-6Bwb00.srt |
Operational Lab 2 |
Lab2D |
x6Vy7qE2Rmg.srt |
grading Lab 2 in simulation |
Lab2F |
46yuxIZlRq0.srt |
grading Lab 2 on the real
board |
L4A |
cYoTOHT02T8.srt |
Operational Lab 4 |
L4B |
JnW6KwKFMOQ.srt |
Debugging techniques |
L4C |
KN_yt62A4qw.srt |
grading Lab 4 in simulation |
L4D |
t-kB_GUZDJw.srt |
grading Lab 4 on real board |
Lab5A |
MsZqh49l2Fc.srt |
Operational Lab 5 |
Lab5B |
v3_vIbX4kx4.srt |
grading Lab 5 in simulation |
Lab5C |
vs-I6ahOXGI.srt |
grading Lab 5 on real board |
Lab6A |
NyHpWuVD3gw.srt |
Operational Lab 6 |
Lab6B |
dbFz-BKDZL0.srt |
grading Lab 6 in simulation |
Lab6C |
Y5D2SH8Qbx0.srt |
grading Lab 6 on real board |
L7A |
QaFlnBglmbA.srt |
Operational Lab 7 |
L7B |
zYbQNvtkjJo.srt |
Background on pacemaker |
L7C |
h3KOvQsrogw.srt |
grading Lab 7 in simulation |
L7D |
aZasX7RmbnQ.srt |
grading Lab 7 on real board |
Lab8A |
bS73Z-WGZz8.srt |
Operational Lab 8 |
Lab8B |
sWVA-jwjAtc.srt |
Lab 8 Simulation Grader |
Lab8C |
5KI1_eMCT38.srt |
Lab 8 Real board grader |
Lab8D |
_yg_278RhGE.srt |
Using voltmeter to measure
LED current |
Lab8E |
mtsOrzoECbk.srt |
how to use the Keil logic
analyzer |
Lab8F |
Meb1-RqBDy8.srt |
debugging tips for Keil |
Lab9A |
74hB62yAIDU.srt |
demo of Lab 9 |
Lab9B |
gEqAvMnxe4k.srt |
simulation grader |
Lab9C |
IcLF4eUJIkQ.srt |
grading Lab 9 on real board |
Lab10A |
qNl7vayZEz0.srt |
demo of Lab 10 |
Lab10B |
MUL3QNRy_LE.srt |
simulation grader |
Lab10C |
Szo_LUIdjCg.srt |
real board grader |
Lab11A |
u7Hs55N1FAo.srt |
demo of Lab 11 |
Lab11B |
_SxdhTIM0M8.srt |
simulation grader |
Lab11C |
wMOnkRYA1hg.srt |
real board grader |
Lab12A |
VPnIBZxOL-A.srt |
demo of Lab 12 |
Lab12B |
z1UY0IRYZZM.srt |
demonstration of scope |
Lab12C |
G-Bk58nYaRE.srt |
simulation grader |
Lab12D |
yW-LjPpYz2w.srt |
real board grader |
Lab13A |
o678t86HEGc.srt |
demo of Lab 13 |
Lab13B |
JYKvC6p8yl0.srt |
demonstration of scope |
Lab13C |
_wMFERrmJ9w.srt |
simulation grader |
Lab13D |
7jFpGsn18fA.srt |
real board grader |
Lab14Ademo |
URHdTlCaJ1o.srt |
short demo of Lab 14 |
Lab14B |
Debug the ADC functions |
Lab14C |
i7bFg48pYZg.srt |
Debug the convert function |
C14 Video 9 |
eKnmfacxfX4.srt |
Building of the ADC slide pot
(Use this in
the Lab14) |
Lab14D |
pDSlkNP2sA8.srt |
simulation grader |
Lab14E |
CRHbDJqk3og.srt |
real board grader |
Lab15A |
tJYzdzLf6Sw.srt |
Debug game in simulator |
Lab15BuildingBoard |
BZwjpMf47F8.srt |
How to build the video game
on a solder board |
Lab15C |
OfGPWmxk0m4.srt |
new upload procedure |
Lab15VirtualNokia |
q50YowFfZgc.srt |
Virtual Nokia |
Lab15download |
ePdy1yxrsBo.srt |
download procedure |
Lab16_A |
In production |
Lab16_B |
In production |
Lab16_C |
In production |
Lab16_D |
In production |
Systems - Shape the World by Jonathan
Valvano and Ramesh Yerraballi is
licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
on a work at http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/arm/outline1.htm.