Assembly Reference

Jonathan Valvano and Ramesh Yerraballi


Our purpose in writing this book is not to provide a complete description of the ARM® CortexÔ M or any TM4C microcontroller. Rather the book is a learning tool for first year college students majoring in engineering and science. As such, this appendix is not a complete list of all Thumb instructions. It gives details on the subset of instructions introduced in this book. Depending on exactly how you count, the Cortex M processor has over 150 instructions. However, we think this subset of 30 instructions will be sufficient to perform the homework and labs associated with the book.  On the other hand, these three are complete reference manuals for the Cortex-M processor. They are available as pdf files linked below.

Memory access instructions
   LDR Rd, [Rn] ; load 32-bit number at [Rn] to Rd
   LDRH Rd, [Rn] ; load unsigned 16-bit at [Rn] to Rd
   LDRSH Rd, [Rn] ; load signed 16-bit at [Rn] to Rd
   LDRB Rd, [Rn] ; load unsigned 8-bit at [Rn] to Rd
   LDRSB Rd, [Rn] ; load signed 8-bit at [Rn] to Rd
   STR Rt, [Rn] ; store 32-bit Rt to [Rn]
   STRH Rt, [Rn] ; store least sig. 16-bit Rt to [Rn]
   STRB Rt, [Rn] ; store least sig. 8-bit Rt to [Rn]
   PUSH {Rt} ; push 32-bit Rt onto stack
   POP {Rd} ; pop 32-bit number from stack into Rd
   ADR Rd, label ; set Rd equal to the address at label
   MOV Rd, #im16 ; set Rd equal to im16, im16 is 0 to 65535
   MVN Rd, op2 ; set Rd equal to -op2
Branch instructions
   B label ; branch to label Always
   BEQ label ; branch if Z == 1 Equal
   BNE label ; branch if Z == 0 Not equal
   BCS label ; branch if C == 1 Higher or same, unsigned ≥
   BHS label ; branch if C == 1 Higher or same, unsigned ≥
   BCC label ; branch if C == 0 Lower, unsigned <
   BLO label ; branch if C == 0 Lower, unsigned <
   BMI label ; branch if N == 1 Negative
   BPL label ; branch if N == 0 Positive or zero
   BVS label ; branch if V == 1 Overflow
   BVC label ; branch if V == 0 No overflow
   BHI label ; branch if C==1 and Z==0 Higher, unsigned >
   BLS label ; branch if C==0 or Z==1 Lower or same, unsigned ≤
   BGE label ; branch if N == V Greater than or equal, signed ≥
   BLT label ; branch if N != V Less than, signed <
   BGT label ; branch if Z==0 and N==V Greater than, signed >
   BLE label ; branch if Z==1 or N!=V Less than or equal, signed ≤
   BX Rm ; branch indirect to location specified by Rm
   BL label ; branch to subroutine at label, return address in LR
   BLX Rm ; branch to subroutine indirect specified by Rm
Interrupt instructions
   CPSIE I ; enable interrupts (I=0)
   CPSID I ; disable interrupts (I=1)
Logical instructions
   AND Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd=Rn&op2 (op2 is 32 bits)
   ORR Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd=Rn|op2 (op2 is 32 bits)
   EOR Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd=Rn^op2 (op2 is 32 bits)
   BIC Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd=Rn&(~op2) (op2 is 32 bits)
   ORN Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd=Rn|(~op2) (op2 is 32 bits)
   LSR Rd, Rm, #n ; logical shift right Rd=Rm>>n (unsigned)
   ASR Rd, Rm, #n ; arithmetic shift right Rd=Rm>>n (signed)
   LSL Rd, Rm, #n ; shift left Rd=Rm<<n (signed, unsigned)
Arithmetic instructions
   ADD Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd = Rn + op2
   SUB Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd = Rn - op2
   RSB Rd, Rn, op2 ; Rd = op2 - Rn
   CMP Rn, op2 ; Rn – op2 sets the NZVC bits
   CMN Rn, op2 ; Rn - (-op2) sets the NZVC bits
   MUL Rd, Rn, Rm ; Rd = Rn * Rm signed or unsigned
   MLA Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra ; Rd = Ra + Rn*Rm signed or unsigned
   MLS Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra ; Rd = Ra - Rn*Rm signed or unsigned
   UDIV Rd, Rn, Rm ; Rd = Rn/Rm unsigned
   SDIV Rd, Rn, Rm ; Rd = Rn/Rm signed



Load PC-relative address



  ADR{cond} Rd, label

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd Is the destination register. label is a PC-relative expression.



ADR determines the address by adding an immediate value to the PC, and writes the address of the label to the destination register. ADR produces position-independent code, because the address is PC-relative. If you use ADR to generate a target address for a BX or BLX instruction, you must ensure that bit[0] of the address you generate is set to 1 for correct execution. Values of label must be within the range of -4095 to +4095 from the address in the PC. You might have to use the .W suffix to get the maximum offset range or to generate addresses that are not word-aligned. See the instruction manual for more information about .W width selection.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



Hello  PUSH {R4,LR}

       ADR  R0, Name  ;R0 is the address of the string at Name

       BL   OutString ;Print welcome

       POP  {R4,PC}

Name   DCB  "Hello world",0


       AREA  DATA 

FuncPt SPACE 4


Set    ADR  R0, Hello  ;R0 points to function Hello

       ORR  R0,R0,#1   ;set Thumb bit (this step IS necessary)

       LDR  R1,=FuncPt

       STR  R0,[R1]    ;FuncPt points to Hello

       BX   LR


32-bit Addition



  ADD{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

  ADD{cond}    {Rd,} Rn, #imm12    

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. imm12 is any value in the range 0–4095. The syntax of Op2 is

   ADD Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   ADD Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The ADD instruction adds the value of Op2 or imm12 to the value in Rn and stores the sum in Rd.

                Rd = Rn + Op2

                Rd = Rn + imm12


Restrictions (for additional restrictions about PC see data sheet)


Condition Flags

If S is specified, these instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result. R=X+M, where X is initial register value, M is the flexible second operand or the #imm12 constant, and R is the final register value.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   

       V: signed overflow               

       C: unsigned overflow        



  ADD   R2, R1, R3    ;R2=R1+R3

  ADDS  R4, R4, #100  ;R4=R4+100, set flags

  ADDHI R11, R0, R3   ;R11=R0+R3, part of IT, execute if C=0 and Z=0


32-bit Logical AND



  AND{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   AND Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   AND Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   AND Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   AND Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   AND Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The AND instruction performs a 32-bit bitwise AND operation on the values in Rn and Op2 and places the results into Rd. The AND instruction is useful for selecting bits. You specify which bits to select in the Op2.

                Rd = Rn & Op2




Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  AND   R9, R2, #0xFF00     ;R9=R2&0x0000FF00

  AND   R0, R0, R5          ;R0=R0&R5

  AND   R0, R0, R5, LSR #3  ;R0=R0&(R5<<3)

  ANDS  R9, R8, #1          ;R9=R8&0x00000001, sets flags

  ANDHS R11, R0, R3         ;R11=R0&R3, part of IT, execute if C=0


32-bit Arithmetic Shift Right



  ASR{S}{cond} Rd, Rm, Rs

  ASR{S}{cond} Rd, Rm, #n

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Rd cannot be omitted. Rm is the register holding the value to be shifted. Rs is the register holding the shift length to apply to the value in Rm. Only the least significant byte of Rs is used and can be in the range 0 to 255. n is the shift length (1 to 32).



ASR moves the bits in the register Rm to the right by the number of places specified by constant n or register Rs. Values are signed integers, so the sign bit in bit 31 is preserved. The result is written to Rd, and the value in register Rm remains unchanged.

                Rd = Rm >> Rs                   (signed)

                Rd = Rm >> n                     (signed)




Condition Flags

If S is specified, these instructions update the N and Z flags according to the result in Rd. The C flag is updated to the last bit shifted out, except when the shift length is 0.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  ASR   R7, R8, #9  ;R7 = R8>>9, signed, (similar to R7 = R8/512)

  ASR   R0, R1, R2  ;R0 = R1>>R2, signed (similar to R0 = R1/2R2)

  ASRS  R1, R2, #3  ;R1 = R2>>3, signed, with flag update

  ASREQ R4, R5, #6  ;part of IT, if Z=1 then R4=R5>>6, signed


Branch instructions



  B    label   ; branch to label    Always

  BEQ  label   ; branch if Z == 1   Equal

  BNE  label   ; branch if Z == 0   Not equal

  BCS  label   ; branch if C == 1   Higher or same, unsigned ≥

  BHS  label   ; branch if C == 1   Higher or same, unsigned ≥

  BCC  label   ; branch if C == 0   Lower, unsigned <

  BLO  label   ; branch if C == 0   Lower, unsigned <

  BMI  label   ; branch if N == 1   Negative

  BPL  label   ; branch if N == 0   Positive or zero

  BVS  label   ; branch if V == 1   Overflow

  BVC  label   ; branch if V == 0   No overflow

  BHI  label   ; branch if C==1 and Z==0  Higher, unsigned >

  BLS  label   ; branch if C==0 or  Z==1  Lower or same, unsigned ≤

  BGE  label   ; branch if N == V   Greater than or equal, signed ≥

  BLT  label   ; branch if N != V   Less than, signed <

  BGT  label   ; branch if Z==0 and N==V  Greater than, signed >

  BLE  label   ; branch if Z==1 or  N!=V  Less than or equal, signed ≤        

where {cond} is an optional condition code. 



These instructions cause a branch to label. These are the only conditional instructions that can be either inside or outside an IT block. All other conditional instructions must be inside an IT block.

  B label                        -16 MB to +16 MB

  Bcond label             -1 MB to +1 MB (outside IT block)

  Bcond label             -16 MB to +16 MB (inside IT block)

You might have to use the .W suffix to get the maximum branch range. See the instruction manual for more information about .W width selection.




Condition Flags

These instructions do not change the flags.



  B     loopA    ;Branch to loopA

  BLE   ng       ;Conditionally branch to label ng

  B.W   target   ;Branch to target within 16MB range

  BEQ   target   ;Conditionally branch to target

  BEQ.W target   ;Conditionally branch to target within 1MB


32-bit Logical Bit Clear



  BIC{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   BIC Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   BIC Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   BIC Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   BIC Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   BIC Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The BIC instruction performs a 32-bit bitwise AND operation on the bits in Rn with the complements of the corresponding bits from Op2 and places the results into Rd. This instruction is useful for clearing bits. You specify which bits to clear in the Op2.

                Rd = Rn & ~Op2




Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  BIC   R9, R2, #0xFF00 ;R9 = R2&0xFFFF00FF, clear bits 15-8

  BICS  R0, R0, #2      ;R0 = R0&0xFFFFFFFD, clear bit1, set flags

  BIC   R1, R2, R3, LSL #2 ;R1 = R2&(~(R3<<2))

  BICEQ R2, R0, R5      ;R2 = R0&(~R5), part of IT execute if Z=1


Branch link (call subroutine)



  BL{cond}   label   ; branch to subroutine at label         

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   label is a PC-relative expression.



BL is the call to subroutine instruction. The address of the subroutine is specified by the label. The BL instruction also saves the return address (the address of the next instruction) in the Link Register (LR), Register R14. The range of the BL instruction is -16 MB to +16 MB from the current instruction. You might have to use the .W suffix to get the maximum branch range. See the instruction manual for more information about .W width selection.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  BL   Func   ;Call to Func, return address in LR

  MOV  R0,#1234

  MOV  R1,#100

  BL.W Divide ;Call to Divide, return address in LR (-16 to +16MB)


;example subroutine

Func  PUSH {R4-R8,LR}  ;save registers

;body of subroutine

      POP  {R4-R8,PC}  ;restore registers and return


; find the unsigned quotient and remainder

; Inputs:  dividend in R0

;          divisor in R1

; Outputs: quotient in R2

;          remainder in R3

;dividend = divisor*quotient + remainder


  UDIV R2,R0,R1   ;R2=R0/R1, R2 is quotient

  MUL  R3,R2,R1   ;R3=(R0/R1)*R1

  SUB  R3,R0,R3   ;R3=R0%R1, R3 is remainder of R0/R1

  BX   LR         ;return




Branch link indirect (call subroutine)



  BLX{cond}  Rm      ; branch to subroutine indirect specified by Rm

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rm is a register that indicates the address to which to branch. Bit[0] of the value in Rm must be 1, but the address to branch to is created by changing bit[0] to 0.



BLX is an indirect call to subroutine instruction. The address of the subroutine is specified by the register Rm. The BLX instruction also saves the return address (the address of the next instruction) in the Link Register (LR), register R14.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



FList DCD Fun0,Fun1,Fun2,Fun3 ;pointers to four functions

;Assume R2 contains a value from 0 to 3

  LDR R1,=FList          ;R1 points to list of functions

  LDR R0,[R1,R2,LSL #2]  ;R0 points to subroutine to execute

  ORR R0,R0,#1           ;set thumb bit (this step may not be necessary)

  BLX R0                 ;call subroutine, return address in LR

;end of example


Fun0 ;body of function 0

   BX LR

Fun1 ;body of function 1

   BX LR

Fun2 ;body of function 2

   BX LR

Fun3 ;body of function 3

   BX LR



Branch indirect



  BX{cond}   Rm      ; branch indirect to location specified by Rm

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rm is a register that indicates the address to which to branch.



This is a branch indirect instruction, with the branch address indicated in Rm. This instruction causes a UsageFault exception if bit[0] of Rm is 0. BX LR is often used as a return from subroutine.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



; Inputs:  dividend in R0

;          divisor in R1

; Outputs: quotient in R2

;          remainder in R3

;dividend = divisor*quotient + remainder


  UDIV R2,R0,R1   ;R2=R0/R1, R2 is quotient

  MUL  R3,R2,R1   ;R3=(R0/R1)*R1

  SUB  R3,R0,R3   ;R3=R0%R1, R3 is remainder of R0/R1

  BX   LR         ;return


List DCD Place0,Place1,Place2,Place3 ;pointers to four places

;Assume R2 contains a value from 0 to 3

  LDR R1,=List           ;R1 points to list of assembly labels

  LDR R0,[R1,R2,LSL #2]  ;R0 points to code to execute

  ORR R0,R0,#1           ;make sure thumb bit set (not needed on Keil)

  BX  R0                 ;jump to place specified by R0

;end of example


Place0 ;code 0

Place1 ;code 1

Place2 ;code 2

Place3 ;code 3



32-bit Compare Negative



  CMN{cond} Rn, Op2

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   There is no destination register. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   CMN Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   CMN Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   CMN Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   CMN Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   CMN Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



This instruction compares the value in a register with Op2. They update the condition flags on the result, but do not write the result to a register. The CMN instruction adds the value of Op2 to the value in Rn. The condition codes are set as if a subtraction occurred. This instruction can be followed by a conditional branch.

                Rn (-Op2)                                          (result is calculated but not stored)

This instruction is useful for extending the range of the immediate field of a CMP instruction. E.g.,

  CMP R0,#-2   ;not a valid instruction

can be executed as

  CMN R0,#2    ;a valid instruction comparing R0 to -2




Condition Flags

These instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result, Rn (-Op2). R=X-(-M), where X is initial register value, M is the flexible second operand, and R is the final subtracted value.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   

                                V: signed overflow          V = X31& M31& (~R31) | (~X31)& (~M31)& R31 

                                C: unsigned overflow       C = ~( ((~X31)& (~M31)) |   (~M31)& R31  |  R31&(~X31) )


  CMN R2, #25  ; compare R2 to -25

  BEQ gothere  ;branch to gothere if R2 equals -25


32-bit Compare



  CMP{cond} Rn, Op2

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   There is no destination register. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   CMP Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   CMP Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   CMP Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   CMP Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   CMP Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



These instructions compare the value in a register with Op2. They update the condition flags on the result, but do not write the result to a register. The CMP instruction subtracts the value of Op2 from the value in Rn. This is the same as a SUBS instruction, except that the result is discarded. This instruction can be followed by a conditional branch.

                Rn Op2                                              (result is calculated but not stored)




Condition Flags

These instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result, Rn (Op2). R=X-M, where X is initial register value, M is the flexible second operand, and R is the final subtracted value.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   

       V: signed overflow               

       C: unsigned overflow        



  CMP R2, #6400

  BGT gothere        ;branch to gothere if R2>6400 (signed)

  CMP R2, R3, LSR #1

  BLO gothere        ;branch to gothere if R2<(R3>>1) (unsigned)



Change Processor State



  CPSIE I  ;Clears the Priority Mask Register (PRIMASK)

  CPSIE F  ;Clears the Fault Mask Register (FAULTMASK)

  CPSID I  ;Sets the Priority Mask Register (PRIMASK)

  CPSID F  ;Sets the Fault Mask Register (FAULTMASK)



CPS changes the PRIMASK and FAULTMASK special register values. See the Data

Sheet for more information about these registers.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  CPSID I ; Set I, disable interrupts and configurable fault handlers

  CPSIE I ; Clear I, enable interrupts and configurable fault handlers



32-bit Logical Exclusive OR



  EOR{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   EOR Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   EOR Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   EOR Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   EOR Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   EOR Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The EOR instruction performs a 32-bit bitwise Exclusive OR operation on the values in Rn and Op2 and places the results into Rd. The EOR instruction is useful for toggling bits. You specify which bits to toggle in the Op2.

                Rd = Rn ^ Op2




Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   





    LDR R2, [R1]                    ;R2 = [R1] (read all data on PG)

    EOR R2, R2, #0x04               ;R2 = R2^~0x04 (toggle bit 2)

    STR R2, [R1]                    ;[R1] = R2

    BX  LR                          ;return


Load from memory into a register



  LDR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn {, #offset}]    ; immediate offset EA=Rn+offset

  LDR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn, #offset]!      ; pre-indexed, EA=Rn+offset

  LDR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn], #offset       ; post-indexed, EA=Rn

  LDR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn, Rm {, LSL #n}] ; register offset, EA=Rn+(Rm<<n)

  LDR{type}{cond} Rt, label               ; PC relative, EA=PC+relative

where type is one of

{cond} is an optional condition code.    Rt is the register to load. Rn is the register on which the memory address is based. offset is an offset from Rn. If offset is omitted, the effective address is the contents of Rn. Rm is a register containing a value to be used as the offset. n is a number 0 to 3.



LDR instructions copy values from memory into registers. Immediate offset addressing adds the offset value (-255 to 4095) to the value of Rn to get the effective address. The register Rn is unaltered. Pre-indexed addressing first adds the offset (-255 to 255) to Rn to create the effective address. This mode changes Rn. Post-indexed addressing uses the original value of Rn as the effective memory address. After memory is accessed, the offset (-255 to 255) is added to Rn. This mode also changes Rn. Register offset addressing, first shifts left Rm by 0 to 3 bits and adds it to the value of Rn to get the effective address. This mode does not alter Rn or Rm.  When using PC-relative addressing, the label must be within -4095 to +4095.




Condition Flags

These instructions do not change the flags.



  LDR   R8, [R10]    ;Load 32-bit from R10 address to R8

  LDRB  R0, [R1]     ;Load 8-bit unsigned from R1 address to R0

  LDRSB R1, [R2,#5]  ;Load 8-bit signed from (R2+5) address to R1

  LDRH  R2, [R5,#2]! ;R5=R5+2, load 16-bit unsigned from R5 address to R2

  LDR   R3, [R7],#4  ;Load 32-bit from R7 address to R3, R7=R7+4

  LDR   R0, Pi       ;R0=314159

Pi DCD 314159


32-bit Logical Shift Left



  LSL{S}{cond} Rd, Rm, Rs

  LSL{S}{cond} Rd, Rm, #n

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Rd can not be omitted. Rm is the register holding the value to be shifted. Rs is the register holding the shift length to apply to the value in Rm. Only the least significant byte of Rs is used and can be in the range 0 to 255. n is the shift length (0 to 31).



LSL moves the bits in the register Rm to the left by the number of places specified by constant n or register Rs. This instruction can be used for signed and unsigned integers. Shift left is similar to multiplication by a power of 2. The result is written to Rd, and the value in register Rm remains unchanged.

                Rd = Rm << Rs                   (signed or unsigned)

                Rd = Rm << n                     (signed or unsigned)




Condition Flags

If S is specified, these instructions update the N and Z flags according to the result in Rd. The C flag is updated to the last bit shifted out, except when the shift length is 0.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  LSL  R7, R8, #9  ;R7 = R8<<9 (similar to R7=R8*512)

  LSLS R1, R2, #3  ;R1 = R2<<3 (similar to R1=R2*8) with flag update

  LSL  R4, R5, R6  ;R4 = R5<<R6 (similar to R4=R5*2R6)


32-bit Logical Shift Right



  LSR{S}{cond} Rd, Rm, Rs

  LSR{S}{cond} Rd, Rm, #n

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Rd cannot be omitted. Rm is the register holding the value to be shifted. Rs is the register holding the shift length to apply to the value in Rm. Only the least significant byte of Rs is used and can be in the range 0 to 255. n is the shift length (1 to 32).



LSR moves the bits in the register Rm to the right by the number of places specified by constant n or register Rs. Values are unsigned integers, so zeros are shifted into bit 31. Shift right is similar to unsigned division by a power of 2. The result is written to Rd, and the value in register Rm remains unchanged.

                Rd = Rm >> Rs                   (unsigned)

                Rd = Rm >> n                     (unsigned)




Condition Flags

If S is specified, these instructions update the N and Z flags according to the result in Rd. The C flag is updated to the last bit shifted out, except when the shift length is 0.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  LSR  R7, R8, #9  ;R7 = R8>>9 (similar to R7=R8/512)

  LSRS R1, R2, #3  ;R1 = R2>>3 (similar to R1=R2/8) with flag update

  LSR  R4, R5, R6  ;R4 = R5>>R6 (similar to R4=R5/2R6)


32-bit Multiplication with Accumulation



  MLA{cond} Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra    ; Multiply with accumulate

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Rd cannot be omitted. Rn, Rm are registers holding the values to be multiplied. Ra is a register holding the value to be added.



The MLA instruction multiplies the values from Rn and Rm, adds the value from Ra, and places the least-significant 32 bits of the result in Rd. The result does not depend on whether the operands are signed or unsigned. This instruction is useful for implementing digital filters and other digital signal processing.

                Rd = Ra + (Rn * Rm)  




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  MLA R9, R2, R1, R5  ;R9 = R5 + (R2 * R1)

  MLA R0, R2, R3, R0  ;R0 = R0 + (R2 * R3)



32-bit Multiplication with Subtraction



  MLS{cond} Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra    ; Multiply with subtract

where  {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Rd cannot be omitted. Rn, Rm are registers holding the values to be multiplied. Ra is a register holding the value to be subtracted from.



The MLS instruction multiplies the values from Rn and Rm, subtracts the product from Ra, and places the least-significant 32 bits of the result in Rd. The result does not depend on whether the operands are signed or unsigned. This instruction is useful for implementing digital filters and other digital signal processing.

                Rd = Ra – (Rn * Rm)  




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  MLS R9, R2, R1, R5  ;R9 = R5 - (R2 * R1)

  MLS R0, R2, R3, R0  ;R0 = R0 - (R2 * R3)


32-bit Move



  MOV{S}{cond} Rd, Op2

  MOV{cond}    Rd, #imm16

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Op2 is a flexible second operand. imm16 is any value in the range 0–65535. The syntax of Op2 is

   MOV Rd, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   MOV Rd, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   MOV Rd, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   MOV Rd, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   MOV Rd, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The MOV instruction copies the value of Op2 into Rd. This instruction is useful for moving values from one register to another, and for initializing registers to a constant value.

                Rd = Op2



You can use SP and PC, with the following restrictions:

Though it is possible to use MOV as a branch instruction, it is strongly recommended the use BX or BLX.


Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  MOVS  R11, #10    ; R11=10, N and Z flags get updated

  MOV   R1, #0xFA05 ; R1 = 0xFA05

  MOVS  R10, R12    ; R10 = R12, N and Z flags get updated

  MOVS  R0, R0      ; N and Z flags set according to R0

  MOV   R11, SP     ; Place a copy of stack pointer in R11

  MOVEQ R0, #0      ; Part of IT, if Z=1, set R0=0


32-bit Multiplication



  MUL{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Rm   ; Multiply

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn, Rm are registers holding the values to be multiplied.



The MUL instruction multiplies the values from Rn and Rm, and places the least-significant 32 bits of the result in Rd. The result does not depend on whether the operands are signed or unsigned. This instruction is useful for implementing digital filters and other digital signal processing.

                Rd = Rn * Rm



In these instructions, do not use SP and do not use PC. If you use the S suffix:


Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It does not affect the C and V flags.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   


  MUL   R10, R2, R5   ;R10 = R2 * R5

  MUL   R0, R1        ;R0 = R0 * R1

  MULS  R0, R1        ;R0 = R0 * R1, sets N and Z flags

  MULCC R2, R3, R2    ;part of IT, if C=0, R2 = R3 x R2


32-bit Move NOT


  MVN{S}{cond} Rd, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   MVN Rd, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   MVN Rd, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   MVN Rd, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   MVN Rd, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   MVN Rd, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The MVN instruction takes the value of Op2, performs a bitwise logical NOT operation on the value, and places the result into Rd.

                Rd = ~Op2

This instruction is useful for extending the range of the immediate field of a MOV instruction. For example

  MOV R0,#-2   ;not a valid instruction (-2 = 0xFFFF.FFFE)

can be executed as

  MVN R0,#1    ;R0 = -2




Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  MVN R0, #10           ;R0 = -11

  MVN R1, R2            ;R1 = ~R2

  MVN R1, R2, LSL #2    ;R1 = ~(R2<<2)


32-bit Logical OR NOT



  ORN{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   ORN Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   ORN Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   ORN Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   ORN Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   ORN Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The ORN instruction performs a 32-bit bitwise OR operation on the bits in Rn with the complements of the corresponding bits in Op2 and places the results into Rd. The ORN extends the useful range of the OR.

                Rd = Rn  |  ~Op2




Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  ORN R9, R2, #0x00FF       ;R9 = R2 | 0xFFFFFF00

  ORN R7, R11, R12, LSR #4  ;R7 = R11 | (~(R12>>2)), R12 is unsigned



32-bit Logical OR



  ORR{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   ORR Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   ORR Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   ORR Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   ORR Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   ORR Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY


The OR instruction performs a 32-bit bitwise OR operation on the values in Rn and Op2 and places the results into Rd. The OR instruction is useful for setting bits. You specify which bits to set in the Op2.

                Rd = Rn | Op2




Condition Flags

If S is specified, update the N and Z flags according to the result, Rd. It can also update the C flag during the calculation of Op2. It does not affect the V flag.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   



  ORR   R9, R2, #0xFF00      ;R9 = R2 | 0xFF00 (set bits 15-8)

  ORREQ R2, R0, R5           ;part of IT, if Z=1, R2=R0|R5

  ORRS  R7, R11, #0x18181818 ;R7=R11|0x18181818


Pop registers off a full-descending stack



  POP{cond} reglist

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   reglist is a non-empty list of registers, enclosed in braces. It can contain register ranges. It must be comma separated if it contains more than one register or register range. POP is a synonym for LDM with the memory addresses for the access based on SP, and with the final address for the access written back to the SP. According to AAPCS we need to push and pop an even number of registers to maintain an 8-byte alignment on the stack.



POP loads registers from the stack in order of increasing register numbers, with the lowest numbered register using the lowest memory address and the highest numbered register using the highest memory address.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  POP  {R5}        ;pop 32 bits from stack and place it in R5

  POP  {R0,R4-R7}  ;pop 5 words from stack and place into R0,R4,R5,R6,R7

  POP  {R2,LR}     ;pop 2 words from stack and place into R2, R14

  POP  {R0,R10,PC} ;pop 3 words from stack and place into R0,R10,PC


;example subroutine

Func  PUSH {R4-R8,LR}  ;save registers

;body of subroutine

      POP  {R4-R8,PC}  ;restore registers and return


Push registers onto a full-descending stack



  PUSH{cond} reglist

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   reglist is a non-empty list of registers, enclosed in braces. It can contain register ranges. It must be comma separated if it contains more than one register or register range. PUSH is a synonym for STMDB with the memory addresses for the access based on SP, and with the final address for the access written back to the SP. According to AAPCS we need to push and pop an even number of registers to maintain an 8-byte alignment on the stack.



PUSH stores registers on the stack in order of decreasing register numbers, with the highest numbered register using the highest memory address and the lowest numbered register using the lowest memory address.




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  PUSH {R0}         ;push the 32-bit contents of R0 on stack

  PUSH {R0,R4-R7}   ;push R7,R6,R5,R4,R0 on stack (R0 on top)

  PUSH {R2,LR}      ;push LR,R2 on stack (R2 on top)



;example subroutine, with local variable

Func  PUSH {R4-R8,LR}   ;save registers

sum   EQU  0            ;32-bit local variable, stored on the stack

      MOV  R0,#0

PUSH {R0,R1}      ;allocate and initialize 2 local variables

;body of subroutine

      LDR  R1,[SP,#sum] ;R1=sum

      ADD  R1,R0        ;R1=R0+sum

      STR  R1,[SP,#sum] ;sum=R0+sum

;end of subroutine

      ADD  SP,#8        ;deallocate sum

      POP  {R4-R8,PC}   ;restore registers and return



32-bit Reverse Subtraction



  RSB{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. The syntax of Op2 is

   RSB Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   RSB Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   RSB Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   RSB Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   RSB Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The RSB instruction subtracts the value in Rn from the value of Op2 and stores the sum in Rd.

                Rd = Op2 - Rn

This is useful because of the wide range of options for Op2.


Restrictions (for additional restrictions about PC see data sheet)


Condition Flags

If S is specified, these instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result. R=M-X, where X is initial register value, M is the flexible second operand, and R is the final register value.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   

                                V: signed overflow             V = M31& (~X31)& (~R31) | (~M31)&X31& R31

                                C: unsigned overflow         C = ~( (~M31& X31 ) |   X31& R31  |  R31&(~M31) )



  RSB   R2, R1, R3         ;R2=R3-R1

  RSBS  R8, R6, #240       ;R8=240-R6, sets the flags

  RSB   R4, R4, #1280      ;R4=1280-R4

  RSB   R0, R0, #0         ;R0= 0-R0, negate

  RSB   R1, R1, R1, LSL #3 ;R1= 8*R1-R1 = 7*R1




32-bit Signed Division



  SDIV{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Rm

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the value to be dividend. Rm is a register holding the divisor.



SDIV performs a signed integer division of the value in Rn by the value in Rm. If the value in Rn is not divisible by the value in Rm, the result is rounded towards zero.

                Rd = Rn / Rm




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  SDIV R0, R2, R4 ;Signed divide, R0 = R2/R4.

  SDIV R8, R1     ;Signed divide, R8 = R8/R1.


; find the signed quotient and remainder of R0 divided by R1

; Inputs:  dividend in R0

;          divisor in R1

; Outputs: quotient in R2

;          remainder in R3

;dividend = divisor*quotient + remainder

;remainder has the same sign as dividend


  SDIV R2,R0,R1   ;R2=R0/R1, R2 is quotient

  MUL  R3,R2,R1   ;R3=(R0/R1)*R1

  SUB  R3,R0,R3   ;R3=R0%R1, R3 is remainder of R0/R1

  BX   LR         ;return



Store from register into memory



  STR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn {, #offset}]    ; immediate offset EA=Rn+offset

  STR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn, #offset]!      ; pre-indexed, EA=Rn+offset

  STR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn], #offset       ; post-indexed, EA=Rn

  STR{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn, Rm {, LSL #n}] ; register offset, EA=Rn+(Rm<<n)

where type is one of

{cond} is an optional condition code.    Rt is the register to load or store. Rn is the register on which the memory address is based. offset is an offset from Rn. If offset is omitted, the effective address is the contents of Rn. Rm is a register containing a value to be used as the offset. n is a number 0 to 3.



STR instructions copy 8-bit 16-bit or 32-bit values from registers to memory. Immediate offset addressing adds the offset value (-255 to 4095) to the value of Rn to get the effective address. The register Rn is unaltered. Pre-indexed addressing first adds the offset (-255 to 255) to Rn to create the effective address. This mode changes Rn. Post-indexed addressing uses the original value of Rn as the effective memory address. After memory is accessed, the offset (-255 to 255) is added to Rn. This mode also changes Rn. Register offset addressing, first shifts left Rm by 0 to 3 bits and adds it to the value of Rn to get the effective address. This mode does not alter Rn or Rm.




Condition Flags

These instructions do not change the flags.



  STR  R2, [R9,#4]   ;32-bit store value of R2 into address R9+4

  STRH R3, [R4], #2  ;16-bit store value of R3 into address R4, R4=R4+2

  STRB R0, [R5, R1]  ;8-bit store value of R0 into address R5+R1

  STRH R0, [R5, R1, LSL #1] ;16-bit store R0 into address R5+2*R1

  STR  R0, [R1, R2, LSL #2] ;32-bit store R0 into address R1+4*R2

  STRB R0, [R5, #1]!  ;R5=R5+1,8-bit store value of R0 into address R5


32-bit Subtraction



  SUB{S}{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Op2

  SUB{cond}    {Rd,} Rn, #imm12    

where {S} is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation. {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Op2 is a flexible second operand. imm12 is any value in the range 0–4095. The syntax of Op2 is

   SUB Rd, Rn, Rm         ; op2 = Rm            

   SUB Rd, Rn, Rm, LSL #n ; op2 = Rm<<n  Rm is signed, unsigned      

   SUB Rd, Rn, Rm, LSR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is unsigned         

   SUB Rd, Rn, Rm, ASR #n ; op2 = Rm>>n  Rm is signed         

   SUB Rd, Rn, #constant  ; op2 = constant, where X and Y are hexadecimal digits:

·         produced by shifting an 8-bit unsigned value left by any number of bits

·         in the form 0x00XY00XY

·         in the form 0xXY00XY00

·         in the form 0xXYXYXYXY



The SUB instruction subtracts the value of Op2 or imm12 from the value in Rn and stores the sum in Rd. This instruction can be followed by a conditional branch.

                Rd = Rn - Op2

                Rd = Rn - imm12


Restrictions (for additional restrictions about PC see data sheet)


Condition Flags

If S is specified, these instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result. R=X+M, where X is initial register value, M is the flexible second operand or the #imm12 constant, and R is the final register value.

       N: result is negative             N = R31

       Z: result is zero                   

       V: signed overflow               

       C: unsigned overflow        


  SUB   R2, R1, R3    ;R2=R1-R3

  SUBS  R6, #240      ;R6=R6-240, sets the flags on the result


32-bit Unsigned Division



  UDIV{cond} {Rd,} Rn, Rm

where {cond} is an optional condition code.   Rd is the destination register. If Rd is omitted, the destination register is Rn. Rn is the register holding the value to be dividend. Rm is a register holding the divisor.



UDIV performs an unsigned integer division of the value in Rn by the value in Rm. If the value in Rn is not divisible by the value in Rm, the result is rounded towards zero.

                Rd = Rn / Rm




Condition Flags

This instruction does not change the flags.



  UDIV R0, R2, R4 ;Signed divide, R0 = R2/R4.

  UDIV R8, R1     ;Unsigned divide, R8 = R8/R1.


; find the unsigned quotient and remainder

; Inputs:  dividend in R0

;          divisor in R1

; Outputs: quotient in R2

;          remainder in R3

;dividend = divisor*quotient + remainder


  UDIV R2,R0,R1   ;R2=R0/R1, R2 is quotient

  MUL  R3,R2,R1   ;R3=(R0/R1)*R1

  SUB  R3,R0,R3   ;R3=R0%R1, R3 is remainder of R0/R1

  BX   LR         ;return




Reprinted with approval from Introduction to Embedded Systems, 2022, ISBN: 978-1537105727