Developing Software in Assembly Language
6812 Assembly Language Examples
By Jonathan W. Valvano

     This article, which discusses assembly language programming, accompanies the book Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing published by Brooks-Cole 1999. This document has four overall parts
     Syntax (fields, pseudo ops)
     Local variables

Interpreter Examples
      Decision tree
      Vector table
      Command table
      Linked list
      Binary tree

Other Examples
      Arithmetic Examples on the 6812
      Shift Examples on the 6812
      Stack Usage and Interrupts on the 6812
      FIFO Queue Examples on the 6812
      Control Structure Examples on the 6812 


      It is better to use vector tables, command tables, linear linked list, or a tree-structured linked list instead of decision trees to build a command interpreter. The tables and linked lists will be easier to understand, quicker to debug, and simplier to modify. In the following examples the command interpreter operates on a single letter basis. All examples, except the vector table, can be modified to handle command strings, by replacing the simple beq with a string compare operation.

Decision Tree interpreter on the 6812

;*********** Decision Tree *****************
Exec  jsr   InChar   ;Input a char in RegA
      cmpa  #'A'
      beq   ISA      ;Check each
      cmpa  #'B'
      beq   ISB
      cmpa  #'C'
      beq   ISC
      bra   ERROR
ISA   jsr   ACCEPT   ;Execute command
      bra   DONE
ISB   jsr   BYE      ;Execute command
      bra   DONE
ISC   jsr   CANCEL   ;Execute command
      bra   DONE
DONE  bra   Exec

Vector interpreter on the 6812

;************* Vector ********************
Exec   jsr   InChar   ;Input a char in RegA
       cmpa  #'C'
       bhi   ERROR
       ldx   #VECTAB   ;Vector table
       suba  #'A'      ;Convert 'A' to 'C' to 0 to 2
       bmi   ERROR
       lsla        ;Calculate index
       ldx   A,X   ;X points to the subroutine
       jsr   0,X   ;Execute command
       bra   Exec
VECTAB fdb   ACCEPT    ;Ptr to subroutines
       fdb   BYE
       fdb   CANCEL

Command Table interpreter on the 6812

;********** Command Table ********************
Letter equ   0   ;Index for command letter
SubAdr equ   1   ;Index for subroutine address
Exec   jsr   InChar   ;Input a char in RegA
       ldx   #CMDTAB-3   ;Command table
TEST   leax  3,x         ;Next entry
       tst   Letter,X    ;Done?
       beq   ERROR
       cmpa  Letter,X    ;Is it this command?
       bne   TEST
       ldx   SubAdr,X    ;X points to the subroutine
       jsr   0,X         ;Execute command
       bra   Exec
CMDTAB fcb   'A'      ;Command letter
       fdb   ACCEPT   ;Ptr to subroutine
       fcb   'B'
       fdb   BYE
       fcb   'C'
       fdb   CANCEL
       fcb   0   ;No more commands 

Linked List interpreter on the 6812

;********** Linked List Interpreter ********************
Exec   jsr   InChar     ;Input a char in RegA
       ldx   #CMDA      ;First entry Command linked list
TEST   cmpa  Letter,X   ;Is it this command?
       beq   Found
       ldx   Next,X
       cpx   #null
       bne   TEST
       bra   ERROR
Found  ldx   SubAdr,X   ;X points to the subroutine
       jsr   0,X        ;Execute command
       bra   Exec
null   equ   0   ;Null pointer
Letter equ   0   ;Index for command letter
SubAdr equ   1   ;Index for subroutine address
Next   equ   3   ;Index for next cmd entry
CMDA   fcb   'A'     ;Command letter
       fdb   ACCEPT  ;Ptr to subroutine
       fdb   CMDB    ;Ptr to next entry
CMDB   fcb   'B'
       fdb   BYE
       fdb   CMDC    ;Ptr to next entry
CMDC   fcb   'C'
       fdb   CANCEL
       fdb   null    ;No more commands

Binary Tree interpreter on the 6812

;********** Binary Tree Interpreter ******************
Exec    jsr   InChar    ;Input a char in RegA
        ldx   Root      ;First entry Command table
TEST    cpx   #null
        beq   ERROR      ;Not found?
        cmpa  Letter,X   ;Is it this command?
        beq   Found
        bhi   goRight
goLeft  ldx   Left,X    ;RegA < Letter
        bra   TEST
goRight ldx   Right,X   ;RegA > Letter
        bra   TEST
Found   ldx   SubAddr,X   ;X points to the subroutine
        jsr   0,X   ;Execute command
        bra   Exec

null    equ   0   ;Null pointer
Letter  equ   0   ;Index for command letter
SubAddr equ   1   ;Index for subroutine address
Left    equ   3   ;Index for left next cmd entry
Right   equ   5   ;Index for right next cmd entry
Root  fdb   CMDM
CMDM  fcb   'M'    ;Command letter
      fdb   MAKE   ;Ptr to subroutine
      fdb   CMDH   ;Ptr to left entry
      fdb   CMDV   ;Ptr to right entry
CMDH  fcb   'H'    ;Command letter
      fdb   HIGH   ;Ptr to subroutine
      fdb   CMDA   ;Ptr to left entry
      fdb   null   ;None to the right
CMDA  fcb   'A'    ;Command letter
      fdb   ACCEPT ;Ptr to subroutine
      fdb   null   ;None to the left
      fdb   null   ;None to the right
CMDV  fcb   'V'    ;Command letter
      fdb   VERIFY ;Ptr to subroutine
      fdb   null   ;None to the left
      fdb   CMDZ   ;Ptr to right entry
CMDZ  fcb   'Z'    ;Command letter
      fdb   ZAP    ;Ptr to subroutine
      fdb   null   ;None to the left
      fdb   null   ;None to the right


This document has four overall parts
     Syntax (fields, pseudo ops)
     Local variables