IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 4725-4740, Oct. 2017.
Large-scale Crowdsourced Study for Tone Mapped HDR Pictures
Debarati Kundu (1),
Deepti Ghadiyaram (2),
Alan C. Bovik (2) and
Brian L. Evans (1)
Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory,
Wireless Networking and Communications Group,
The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712 USA -
Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering,
Wireless Networking and Communications Group,
The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712 USA -
Paper Draft
Related Resources:
ESPL-LIVE HDR Image Database -
No Reference HDR IQA Methods -
PhD Dissertation on HDR IQA
Measuring digital picture quality, as perceived by human observers,
is increasingly important in many applications in which humans are
the ultimate consumers of visual information.
Standard dynamic range (SDR) images provide 8 bits/color/pixel.
High dynamic range (HDR) images, usually created from multiple
exposures of the same scene, can provide 16 or 32 bits/color/pixel,
but need to be tonemapped to SDR for display on standard monitors.
Multi-exposure fusion (MEF) techniques bypass HDR creation by fusing
on exposure stack directly to SDR images to achieve aesthetically
pleasing luminance and color distributions.
Many HDR and MEF databases have a relatively small number of images
and human opinion scores, obtained under stringently controlled
conditions, thereby limiting realistic viewing.
Moreover, many of these databases are intended to compare tone-mapping
algorithms, rather than being specialized for developing and comparing
IQA models.
To overcome these challenges, we conducted a massively crowdsourced
online subjective study.
The primary contributions described in this paper are
- the new ESPL-LIVE HDR Image Database that we created containing
diverse images obtained by tone-mapping operators (TMO) and MEF
algorithms, with and without post processing;
- a large-scale subjective study that we conducted using a
crowdsourced platform to gather more than 300,000 opinion scores
on 1,811 images from over 5,000 unique observers; and
- a detailed study of the correlation performance of state-of-the-art
no-reference image quality assessment algorithms against human
opinion scores of these images.
The database is available at:
Note: IQA means Image Quality Assessment.
The paper mentions five "gold standard" images in the HDR image database,
but does not give their names.
They are
H_Waffle_House_RamanTMO.PNG, and
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Last Updated 07/23/17.