EE 460N Lab Assignments
Fall 2014
Useful Links
Instructions for Testing and Submitting Code
Due Friday December 5, 05.00pm.
- Submission instructions
- Control store sheet (Excel spreadsheet)
- Sample simulator runs to help you in debugging your simulator
(Each of the hex files were simulated cycle by cycle using the "run 1"
command and an "idump" was performed after each cycle. *.dump files
show the cycle by cycle output of idump. *.state files summarize the
contents of the pipeline latches. *.timeline shows a timeline of the
execution of the program in the pipeline):
Note that these test cases are not meant to be exhaustive. You should
write your own test cases to make sure that your simulator is working
for every instruction and program.
Due November 16th, 11.59pm.
- You must turn in a digital copy of your readme to Canvas by 5 p.m. on
Monday, November 17th. Please note that your C code must
simulate the hardware described in the readme and your microcode must
represent your submitted state diagram. Significant discrepancies will be
penalized harshly.
- Please make you sure your Lab 4 is correct before
starting Lab 5. The testing system for Lab 4 is up. See Lab 3 details for
usage information.
Due October 26th, 11.59pm.
- Submission instructions
(last updated - 10/13/14)
- You can use the following xfig files or pdf files to show the changes you
made to the datapath, state diagram and microsequencer. You can modify the xfig
files using the xfig drawing program installed on LRC UNIX/Linux machines.
Please note that you can submit hand drawn diagrams (You may use the pdf
files), if you are not comfortable using xfig.
- Important note: Make sure your Lab 3 implementation is
correct before starting Lab 4. You may use the
submit-ee360n command on grader to test your Lab 3 program. Submit
the lc3bsim3.c and ucode3 files first with submit-ee360n
-late, then run submit-ee360n -lategrade. Run
submit-ee360n to see all available options. Passing all the
tests does not mean that your Lab 3 is correct! An incorrect program
may just happen to behave correctly on our test cases. It is your
responsibility to ensure that your Lab 3 is correct. See this for more details.
- The control store template in Excel and PDF formats.
Due TUESDAY September 30th, 11.59pm.
Due September 21st, 11.59pm.
Due September 14th, 11.59pm.
Due August 31st, 11.59pm.