Lab 7. Vocoder and Guitar Effects#
Aim of the experiment#
This experiment demonstrates audio effects commonly applied to harmonic instruments like the guitar.
Reading assignment#
Lab 7 primer
Lab 7 instructions#
Vocoder training in MATLAB#
In this exercise, we will encode a voice recording into a matrix of IIR filter coefficients.
Record or generate a short segment of speech and save it to a file with 48kHz sampling rate.
NET.addAssembly('System.Speech'); speech_synth = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; SetOutputToWaveFile(speech_synth,'example.wav'); Speak(speech_synth,'do re mi fa so la tee'); Dispose(speech_synth); [y,fs] = audioread('example.wav'); y = resample(y,320,147); fs = 48e3;
optionally, remove silence from the beginning and end of the clip
y = flipud(y); ind = find(abs(y) > 5e-3); y(1:ind(1)) = []; y = flipud(y); ind = find(abs(y) > 5e-3); y(1:ind(1)) = [];
Break the signal into frames of length \(L = \frac{\text{sample rate}}{\text{vocoder parameter update rate}}\)
L = 1024; N = floor(length(y)/L); y(N*L+1:end) = []; y = reshape(y,L,N);
Learn the filter corresponding to each frame of data
order = 16; a = zeros(N,order); b = zeros(N,1); for i_frame = 1:N [r,lg] = xcorr(y(:,i_frame),'biased'); r(lg<0) = []; a(i_frame,:) = levinson(r,order-1); b(i_frame) = 1./freqz(1,a(i_frame,:),1); end a(isnan(a)) = 0; b(isnan(b)) = 0;
Format the coefficients for C
num_coeffs = sprintf('%f,',b) den_coeffs = sprintf( ['{', repmat('%f,',[1,order]) '},\n'], a')
Vocoder effect in C#
In this exercise, you will apply the learned vocal filter to input data in real time.
, andORDER
based on the vocoder filters from MATLAB#define L 1024 #define N 68 #define ORDER 16
Initialize a matrix with the filter coefficients computed in MATLAB.
float32_t B[N] = {<exported numerator coefficients>}; float32_t A[N][ORDER] = {<exported denominator coefficients>};
Create variables to track the current filter index
uint32_t i_sample = 0; uint32_t i_filter = 0;
Create an array to hold the previous output values
float32_t y[ORDER] = {0};
In process_left_sample, apply the all-pole IIR filter
y[0] = B[i_filter]*INPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*input_sample; for (uint32_t delay = 1; delay < ORDER; delay+=1) { y[0] -= y[delay]*A[i_filter][delay]; } output_sample = OUTPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*y[0]; for (uint32_t delay = ORDER-1; delay > 0; delay-=1) { y[delay] = y[delay-1]; }
Increment the variables which track the current filter index
i_sample += 1; if (i_sample == L) { i_sample = 0; i_filter += 1; if (i_filter == N){i_filter = 0;} }
In process_right_sample, set the output to be identical to the left channel
output_sample = OUTPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*y[0];
Using a separate phone/laptop, provide any input which contains harmonically rich instrument(s), like a guitar, violin, or synthesizer. Verify that the output shares characteristics of the original speech signal.
One option is to use a synthesizer app in your browser controlled by the top row (QWERTY…) of your keyboard.
In this exercise, you will implement the flanger using the feedforward form of the comb filter.
Define the parameters of the flanger. For this example, the flanger has frequency of 0.5 Hz and a maximum delay of 10 ms so \(\omega_{\text{flanger}} = 2 \pi \frac{0.5}{48000} = 6.5 \times 10^{-05} \frac{\text{radians}}{\text{sample}}\) and \(R = 48000 \text{ Hz} \times 10 \text{ ms} = 480 \text{ samples}\)
#define alpha 0.75 #define R 480 #define BUFFER_LENGTH 481 #define OMEGA 0.0000654498469497874 #define FLANGER_PERIOD 96000
Create two circular buffers (one for each channel) to store previous input values. Also create a counter to track the oscillation.
int16_t x_circ[2][BUFFER_LENGTH] = {0}; int32_t i1 = 0; int32_t i2 = 0; int32_t n = 0;
In process_left_sample, update the indices of the circular buffer and add the most recent sample.
i2 = i1; i1 = (i1+1) % BUFFER_LENGTH; x_circ[0][i2] = input_sample;
In process_right_sample, add the newest input sample but leave the indices unchanged
x_circ[1][i2] = input_sample;
Implement the flanger
float32_t x_current; float32_t x_delayed; size_t Kn; size_t ind; x_current = INPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*x_circ[<channel>][i2]; Kn = 0.5*R*(arm_cos_f32(OMEGA*n) + 1.0); if (Kn > i2) { ind = (i2 + BUFFER_LENGTH) - Kn; } else { ind = i2 - Kn; } x_delayed = INPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*x_circ[<channel>][ind]; output_sample = OUTPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*(alpha*x_delayed + x_current);
In process_right_sample only, increment the counter
n = (n+1) % FLANGER_PERIOD;
Using a separate phone/laptop, play a recording which contains harmonically rich instrument(s), like a guitar, violin, or synthesizer, and listen to the output.
In this exercise, you will implement harmonic distortion by clipping.
Add a nonlinearity to the input signal to increase the energy at higher harmonics. Whenever the absolute value of the signal exceeds some threshold \(L\), set the value equal to \(\text{sgn}(x[n]) L\)
#define CLIP 0.1
float32_t x; float32_t y; x = INPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*input_sample; if (x < -CLIP) { y = -CLIP; } else if ( x > CLIP ) { y = CLIP; } else { y = x; } output_sample = OUTPUT_SCALE_FACTOR*y;
Ensure that the same effect is active on both channels.
Using a separate phone/laptop, play a recording which contains harmonically rich instrument(s), like a guitar, violin, or synthesizer, and listen to the output.
Lab report contents#
Good luck on exam two!