Appendix F
Discussion About EE302

by Brian Evans and Gary Hallock
with comments from Gustavo de Veciana

F.1 Introduction

EE302 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering serves as an introduction to the BSEE and BSCE curricula for new ECE students. It is often the first EE course that incoming ECE students take. Currently, eight instructors regularly teach EE302: Cogdell, Daniels, Grady, Holmes, Hallock, Milner, Richards-Kortum, and Russell.

This appendix summarizes the on-going discussion about updating the list of topics to broaden the introduction to ECE and to be more appropriate for training the students for later courses that depend on EE302. Section F.2 gives the list of topics for EE302 in the 1998-2000 catalog. Section F.3 provides the syllabus for EE302 for the Spring 2000 semester. Section F.4 summarizes the development of EE302 over the years. Section F.5 presents ideas for modifying the content EE302. Section F.6 suggests a list of topics for the 2002-2004 catalog and a syllabus.

F.2 Topics for EE302 in the 1998-2000 Catalog

The topics listed for EE302 in the 1998-2000 catalog follow:

302. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering. Introduction to the scope and nature of professional activities for electrical and computer engineers including: problem solving techniques, analysis and design methods, engineering professional ethics, and the various fields of study. The course will emphasize the study of digital system design and basic electric circuit theory. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Mathematics 408C. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester.

The following courses list EE302 as a pre-requisite:

In turn, EE411 is a pre-requisite for the following courses:

The courses that have EE302 as a pre-requisite depend on the following material to be covered in EE302:

F.3 Syllabus for EE302 for Spring 2000

For the Spring 2000 semester, EE302 consists of five distinct units. Each unit takes 2-4 weeks to complete.

Unit 1: The Professional Engineer (2 weeks)
Reference: EE302 Course Reader

1/19 Course overview, syllabus, ECE curriculum
1/21 Engineering design and problem solving
1/24 LRC Resources: The Internet
1/26 HTML Programming: Putting you on the WWW!
1/28 Engineering Ethics: Intellectual property

Unit 2: Digital System Design (3 weeks)
Reference: EE302 Course Reader

1/31 Intro to computer systems; processor subsystems
2/2 Digital information, decimal, and binary numbers
2/4 Boolean algebra, logic operations, gates, symbols
2/7 Algebraic simplification
2/9 Karnaugh maps for logic minimization
2/11 Logic problems
2/14 Ripple-carry adder

Unit 3: Basic Circuit Theory (3 weeks)
Reference: Chapter 1 in John R. Cogdell, Foundations of Electric Circuits, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-907742-1, 1999.

2/21 Physical basis of circuit theory: energy, charge
2/23 Potential energy and electrostatic potential
2/25 Kirchoff's voltage and current laws
2/28 Conductance, resistance, and independent sources
3/1 Energy flow in electrical circuits, power
3/3 Series and parallel resistance
3/6 Voltage and current dividers

Unit 4: The Analysis of DC Circuits (4 weeks)
Reference: Chapter 2 in John R. Cogdell, Foundations of Electric Circuits, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-907742-1, 1999.

3/20 Superposition
3/22 Thevenin equivalent circuits
3/24 Thevenin equivalent circuits (continued)
3/27 Norton equivalent circuits
3/29 Node-voltage analysis
3/31 Node-voltage analysis
4/3 Loop-current analysis
4/5 Loop-current analysis (continued)
4/7 Maximum power transfer
4/10 Linear circuits problems

Unit 5: The Dynamics of Circuits (3 weeks)
Reference: Chapter 3 in John R. Cogdell, Foundations of Electric Circuits, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-907742-1, 1999.

4/17 Magnetic behavior and inductors
4/19 Inductive circuits
4/21 RL circuit analysis
4/24 Charge redistribution, concept of capacitance
4/26 Capacitive circuits
4/28 RC circuit analysis
5/1 Energy storage
5/3 Series and parallel capacitors

F.4 Education Goals of EE302

EE 302 was originally developed as a "motivational" course, to get students doing EE quicker, meet EE faculty, etc. It was originally more of a survey course, which did not work well. A smaller number of topics with enough depth to allow the students to do meaningful calculations and analysis has worked much better. Hands-on labs (having students use voltmeters and protoboards) as well as computer labs has been quite successful.

Another original goal for EE 302 was to show the importance of basic science courses (math, physics, chemistry, etc.) to an engineer. We do this by using Coulomb's law and energy concepts to develop voltage, discussing chemical reactions in a battery, and some simple calculus near the end of the course (RC circuits).

We need to keep the above ideas in mind, and not add topics to EE 302 just because other courses are too packed or we want other courses to be able to be taught earlier.

F.5 Ideas for EE302

Brian points out that 2/3 of our students are in the computer area. Francis and others point out that we need to "recruit" more students into other EE areas. EE 302 is the right place to start, to show incoming freshmen that there is more to EE than computers. Especially if we add Yale Patt's freshman computer course we will have the computer area well covered. Gustavo summaries his thoughts in the following set of slides:

"Increasing the Place of Information, Signals, and Systems Early in the Curriculum"

With the introduction of EE306 Introduction to Computing and the requirement that all ECE students (including transfer students) take EE302, the following material in EE302 may be removed from EE302 because it is covered elsewhere in the basic sequence:

These topics account for about six weeks of lecture. The discussion now turns to consider what could be added in EE302 for these six weeks of lectures.

Regardless of what is added to EE302, it is important that the material in EE302 be suitable for incoming freshmen. We have tried and dropped many topics over the years. EE 302 content should be introductory and meaningful to the students. The material should allow the students to work clear, concrete problems with well defined results. The material should be amenable to freshmen level labs.

For example, during the last curriculum meeting Chuck Roth mentioned twice during his EE 316 presentation that the abstract parts of the course were the most difficult for the students. Introducing abstract concepts in EE 302 before the students have the foundation to appreciate them would not work well. Students need to know why abstraction is important (bottom up approach). The material must be freshman level yet allow real, interesting problem solving with well defined results.

It has been suggested that Matlab be an important part of the overall EE curriculum. I think EE 302 [lab] is a good place for this. Students can get started doing Matlab almost immediately; the basics are a lot like learning to program your first programmable calculator. We have developed several Matlab labs over the years. We could make Matlab more of a theme for the course.

One suggestion for a theme for EE302 is the processing of analog and digital information. This would expand the scope of EE302 from an analog/digital circuits course to an analog/digital circuits and systems course. This change would be possible by adding notions of signals, systems, and finite state machines into EE302 in the context of examples that are familiar to an EE302 student:

Finite state machines are good models for communication protocols, controllers, and parsers, and are widely implemented in hardware and software, e.g. in modems and compilers. The more general concept of system state is the fundamental concept behind design languages, programming languages, and realizable implementations. By using finite state machines, principles of feedback can be described without needing calculs. The other new topics could be also presented in a way that does not require calculus, as calculus is co-requisite for the course.

The teaching of information processing to freshmen by using signals, systems, and finite state machines is being carried out at UC Berkeley by Profs. Edward Lee and Pravin Varaiya in their course EECS20 Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems. This course has a laboratory component to it based on Matlab. The instructors have written a draft of a book for the course. By integrating the first four chapters of the book into EE302 with the existing professional and circuits material, EE302 could become a course that introduces students to the processing of analog and digital information. This could motivate students to stay within electrical engineering to pursue studies in circuits and systems.

F.6 A Possible List of Topics for EE302 for the 2002-2004 Catalog

Based on the above discussion, here is a possible list of topics for EE302 for the 2002-2004 Catalog:

302. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering. Scope and nature of activities of electrical and computer engineers; World Wide Web; ethics; voltage, current, and resistance; Thevenin/Norton equivalent and mesh/nodal analysis of resistive circuits; representation of signals and systems; information processing; state machines. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Mathematics 408C. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester.

A possible syllabus for these topics follows. It retains the units on The Professional Engineer, Basic Circuit Theory, and The Analysis of DC Circuits, which amount to nine weeks of material. The new topics of signals, systems, and information processing would occupy roughly six weeks of the semester. Essentially, the six weeks of new material would be the first four weeks of lecture and labs from the freshman UC Berkeley course EECS20 Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems.

Unit 1: The Professional Engineer (2 weeks)
Reference: EE302 Course Reader

Lecture 1.1 Course overview, syllabus, ECE curriculum
Lecture 1.2 Engineering design and problem solving
Lecture 1.3 LRC Resources: The Internet
Lecture 1.4 HTML Programming: Putting you on the WWW!
Lecture 1.5 Engineering Ethics: Intellectual property

Unit 2: Basic Circuit Theory (3 weeks)
Reference: Chapter 1 in John R. Cogdell, Foundations of Electric Circuits, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-907742-1, 1999.

Lecture 2.1 Physical basis of circuit theory: energy, charge
Lecture 2.2 Potential energy and electrostatic potential
Lecture 2.3 Kirchoff's voltage and current laws
Lecture 2.4 Conductance, resistance, and independent sources
Lecture 2.5 Energy flow in electrical circuits, power
Lecture 2.6 Series and parallel resistance
Lecture 2.7 Voltage and current dividers

Unit 3: The Analysis of DC Circuits (4 weeks)
Reference: Chapter 2 in John R. Cogdell, Foundations of Electric Circuits, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-907742-1, 1999.

Lecture 3.1 Superposition
Lecture 3.2 Thevenin equivalent circuits
Lecture 3.3 Thevenin equivalent circuits (continued)
Lecture 3.4 Norton equivalent circuits
Lecture 3.5 Node-voltage analysis
Lecture 3.6 Node-voltage analysis
Lecture 3.7 Loop-current analysis
Lecture 3.8 Loop-current analysis (continued)
Lecture 3.9 Maximum power transfer
Lecture 3.10 Linear circuits problems

Unit 4: Signals and Systems (3 weeks)
Reference: Chapters 1 and 2 of E. A. Lee and P. Varaiya, Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems, book draft, 1999.

Lecture 4.1 Continuous-time and discrete-time audio signals
Lecture 4.2 Signals as functions (examples: audio, images, and radio)
Lecture 4.3 Functions of time and sequences
Lecture 4.4 Functions and function spaces (example: video)
Lecture 4.5 Systems as functions
Lecture 4.6 Telephony systems (examples: DTMF signaling and modems)
Lecture 4.7 Composition, block diagrams, and modeling
Lecture 4.8 Discrete events (examples: telephone and wireless networks)

Unit 5: Finite State Machines (3 weeks)
Reference: Chapters 3 and 4 of E. A. Lee and P. Varaiya, Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems, book draft, 1999.

Lecture 5.1 Control logic, state, sets, and functions
Lecture 5.2 State machines (example: parking meter)
Lecture 5.3 State transition diagrams, memory (examples: answering machines)
Lecture 5.4 Nondeterministic state machines
Lecture 5.5 Abstraction, simulation, and deterministic (example: parking meter)
Lecture 5.6 Input/output behavior in state machines (example: safety-critical system)
Lecture 5.7 Synchronous state machines, cascade connections
Lecture 5.8 Parallel connections (example: answering machine)
Lecture 5.9 Feedback and delay

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