Data sheets
Data sheets for most of the devices used in this class are available as PDF files on Dr. Valvano's web site. Please make sure you have access to the CPU12 instruction manual, either in print (from 2nd floor) or PDF form. You should download these data sheets and have them available when you are developing code:
You will need a voltmeter (one less than $20 will do), soldering iron (with solder), and a wire stripper. We will be giving you a 9S12DP512 development board, a prototyping board, and some external components.
The simulator application, called Test EXecute And Simulate, is not freeware, so please don't post it on the net or otherwise send it to others. On the other hand, Prof. Valvano has granted EE319K students indefinite usage of the software, including installing the application on each of your personal computes. If you know of someone interested in the application have them contact me directly. It is the eighth semester we will be using the application in EE319K, but Prof. Valvano continues to make updates to fix bugs or add features. Please work through the tutorials and examples to bring you up to speed on the various aspects of the system. Instructions for installing/upgrading TexaS will be provided on Blackboard. The TExaS application itself runs on Vista, but the help system does not run on Vista without a patch. Ask your TA how to get the TExaS help system to run under Vista.