Data sheets
Data sheets for most of the devices used in this class are available as PDF files on Dr. Valvano's web site. Please make sure you have access to the CPU12 instruction manual, either in print (from Freescale) or in PDF form. You should download these data sheets and have them available when you are developing code:
Every group of two students will be required to have one 9S12
board. Either the Technological Arts Adapt9S12DP512 or the
Adapt9S12DG128 will suffice. The first possibility is to buy or
borrow a board from a previous EE319K/EE445L student. If you obtain a
kit from a previous student, you will need the board, power supply,
RS232 cable, and a protoboard. If you do buy a board from another
student, I recommend you run the hardware checker to make sure the
board is functional. The second possibility is to purchase a new
Technological Arts Adapt9S12DG128 kit, which includes a board, power
supply, serial cable, and solderless breadboard. The student cost will
be $75.00 per kit. The link to pay for this kit is active. The buying
process will be:
Once you have selected your partner for Labs 3-9,
you go to the Technological Arts web site and pay $75 to TechArts for the kit via PayPal. Please pay for your kit at
least 7 days before the demonstration lab period. Our experience is
that many credit card companies will add $1 to $3 to the transaction
because TechArts is a Canadian company. Neither UT or TechArts sees
this added fee. The fee is charged by the credit card company.
The department will get an email from TechArts that you have paid.
You will go to ENS234 (checkout window) to pickup the kit. There will be
specific scheduled hours for the pickup phase, which will be around
Feb 10 to 17.
There will be a board demonstration lab between labs
2 and 3, the week of Feb 14-18, and you should bring your board to
this demonstration. Your TA will show you how to test your board to
verify it is operational. If the board does not work during the
testing procedure, we will replace it. Our experience with EE319K is
if the board works during the initial test, almost all students
complete EE319K labs without damaging the board. However, if you do
damage your board, then you must purchase another one. We will be
using the board in EE319K in Fall 2011, so if your board still works,
you will have the opportunity to sell it. There is no difference to a
EE319K student between the Adapt9S12DP512 and Adapt9S12DG128
board. The DG128 board has a little less memory and is a lot less
You will need a voltmeter (one less than $20 will do), soldering
iron (with solder), and a wire stripper. Since you will be making only
5 solder joints all semester, it is acceptable to borrow a soldering
iron. However, all EE319K students will need their own voltmeter and
wire strippers. The NI box you bought in EE302 can be used for as the
Kit handed out by TAs
1 7406
6 LEDs (20 mA, red yellow, green)
6 220 ohm 5%, 0.25 watt resistors
3 push-button switches
3 10k ohm 5%, 0.25 watt resistors
3 1.5k ohm 5%, 0.25 watt resistors
3 12k ohm 5%, 0.25 watt resistors
2 feet of 4-Wire 24 gauge solid wire
1 0.1 uF ceramic bypass cap
1 headphone jack
1 20k ohm slide pot
Those do not need to be returned.
Long term checkout
1 LCD display
1 Serial cable
If you check out either of these two and do not return them by 4/29, we will reduce your overall grade in EE319K one letter grade
The hardware/software cosimulator, called Test EXecute And Simulate (TExaS), can be downloaded from the documents section of Blackboard. It is not freeware, so please don't post it on the net or otherwise send it to others. On the other hand, Prof. Valvano grants EE319K students indefinite usage of the software, including installing the application on each of your personal computes. If you know of someone interested in the application have them contact Prof. Valvano directly. It is the 11th semester we will be using the application in EE319K, but we will make updates to fix bugs or add features. Please work through the tutorials and examples to bring you up to speed on the various aspects of the system. The TExaS application itself runs on Vista, but the help system does not run on Vista without a patch. Ask your TA how to get the TExaS help system to run under Vista.
Metrowerks Codewarrior
The instructions to download the free (special) version for the 9S12 can be found on Prof. Valvano's web site. The most recent version will run on Windows 7.
You will be drawing a 5 or 6 circuit diagrams as part of your lab assignments. You are free to draw these diagrams in any manner you wish as long as the information is presented in a complete and professional manner. One option for drawing circuits is PCBArtist, which can be downloaded here. The use of PCBArtist is optional for EE319K students.