Embedded systems; machine language execution; assembly and C language programming; local variables and subroutines; input/output synchronization; analog to digital conversion and digital to analog conversion; debugging; and interrupts.
Jonathan W. Valvano
Introduction to Embedded Systems:
Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12
Cengage Publishing, 2009
ISBN-10: 049541137X / ISBN-13: 9780495411376
(authors' site)![]()
After the successful conclusion of EE319K students should be able to understand the basic components of a computer, write assembly and C language programs that perform I/O functions and implement simple data structures, manipulate numbers in multiple formats, and understand how software uses global memory to store permanent information and the stack to store temporary information.
There will be no re-tests, make-ups or incompletes.
See the EE319K lab manual.
There will be approximately one homework or programming practice assignment each week. Homeworks will be administered over the web. You may work in groups of any size, but everyone enters a separate online solution. Other than breaking into the system and changing grades, you may get as much help from anyone on any way you please to complete the online homework:
Late homework submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.
The lowest homework score will be dropped.
"Faculty in the ECE Department are committed to detecting and responding to all instances of scholastic dishonesty and will pursue cases of scholastic dishonesty in accordance with university policy. Scholastic dishonesty, in all its forms, is a blight on our entire academic community. All parties in our community -- faculty, staff, and students -- are responsible for creating an environment that educates outstanding engineers, and this goal entails excellence in technical skills, self-giving citizenry, an ethical integrity. Industry wants engineers who are competent and fully trustworthy, and both qualities must be developed day by day throughout an entire lifetime. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, or any act designed to give an unfair academic advantage to the student. The fact that you are in this class as an engineering student is testament to your abilities. Penalties for scholastic dishonesty are severe and can include, but are not limited to, a written reprimand, a zero on the assignment/exam, re-taking the exam in question, an F in the course, or expulsion from the University. Don't jeopardize your career by an act of scholastic dishonesty. Details about academic integrity and what constitutes scholastic dishonesty can be found at the website for the UT Dean of Students Office and the General Information Catalog, Section 11-802."
You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts with other students. You can give "consulting" help to or receive "consulting" help from such students in oral form. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an email, an email attachment file, a portable storage device, or a hard copy. Copying of any part of a program is cheating without explicit reference to its source. We do enter lab assignments turned in by EE319K students through a plagiarism checker, comparing them to assignments of this and previous semesters. If we find two programs that are copied, there will be a substantial penalty to both students, e.g., failure in the course. Students who cheat on tests or in lab will fail. Prosecution of cases is very traumatic to both the student and instructor. It is appropriate to use software out of the book, class website as long as all copy-pasted software is explicitly referenced. Copy-pasting software from current or past EE319K students is scholastic dishonesty.
Policies concerning the use of other people's software in this class:
"The core values of the University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community." (see the university catalog)
The 12th class day is Wednesday, February 2, 2011. The deadline for dropping without possible academic penalty but requiring the Dean's approval is Monday, March 28, 2011.
original: completely written by you,
derived: fundamental approach is copied but it is your implementation,
modified: source code significantly edited to serve your purpose,
copied: source code includes minor modifications.
In this course e-mail will be used as a means of communication with
students. You will be responsible for checking your e-mail regularly
for class work and announcements. The complete text of the University
electronic mail notification policy and instructions for updating your
e-mail address are available at
This course uses the class web page and Blackboard to distribute
course materials, to communicate and collaborate online, to submit
assignments and to post solutions and grades. You will be responsible
for checking the class web page and the Blackboard course site
regularly for class work and announcements. As with all computer
systems, there are occasional scheduled downtimes as well as
unanticipated disruptions. Notification of disruptions will be posted
on the Blackboard login page. Scheduled downtimes are not an excuse
for late work. However, if there is an unscheduled downtime for a
significant period of time, I will make an adjustment if it occurs
close to the due date.
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4382.
Religious holy days sometimes conflict with class and examination
schedules. If you miss an examination, work assignment, or other
project due to the observance of a religious holy day you will be
given an opportunity to complete the work missed within a reasonable
time after the absence. It is the policy of The University of Texas
at Austin that you must notify each of your instructors at least
fourteen days prior to the classes scheduled on dates you will be
absent to observe a religious holy day.
Contents © Copyright 2011 Andreas Gerstlauer | http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~gerstl/ee319k_s11 |