Introduction to Embedded Systems

EE319K, Unique: 16275, 16280, 16285, 16290
Semester: Spring 2012

Homework Schedule

Week Due Instructions Task Reading
1 1/16, 11pm - - -
2 1/23, 11pm - - -
3 1/30, 11pm Homework 1 Hand assemble -
4 2/6, 11pm Homework 2 Assembly concepts -
5 2/13, 11pm Homework 3 Signed/unsigned numbers, arithmetic/logic operations Patt Ch. 11, 12
6 2/20, 11pm - - -
7 2/27, 11pm Homework 4 If-then-else, loops and functions Patt Ch. 13, 14
8 3/5, 11pm Homework 5 Functions and arrays Patt Ch. 14, 16.3
9 3/12, 11pm - Spring Break -
10 3/19, 11pm Homework 6 Practice Exams 2 -
11 3/26, 11pm Homework 7 Solve Exam Problem 1 in C, Pointers and testing Patt Ch. 15, 16
12 4/2, 11pm - - -
13 4/9, 11pm Homework 8 Metrowerks programming Patt Ch. 15, 16
14 4/16, 11pm - - -
15 4/23, 11pm Homework 9 Interpolation -
16 5/1, 2pm Homework 10 Practice Final Exam -


Contents © Copyright 2012 Andreas Gerstlauer