EE 312
Program Due: Tuesday 4/2/19 at 10:00pm
100 points
For this
program we will be implementing the storage portion of the UtPod
(the much smaller version of the iPod). The UtPod will
be storing the following information:
The head of the linked list (the number of songs is limited only by the amount of memory in the UtPod).
- The number of MB of memory will be set when the UtPod is "constructed"
- You must provide a constructor that will set the size of the memory. The maximum is 512MB.
- The user of the class will pass in a size. If the size is greater than 512MB or less than or equal to 0, set the size to 512MB.
- For each song we will store the title (string), artist (string), and size (int) in MB
- the title and artist cannot be blank
- the size must be greater than zero
- You will need to be able to add and remove songs, show the list of songs, shuffle the list and sort the list.
- You must create a destructor that frees the memory for the list of songs.
You will create your own header file for the Song class. Here is the header for the UtPod.
You will create your own driver program (examples will the shown in class). This one should work with your code to get started.
The following code should work as a makefile.
Things you should do:
- Create classes for UtPod and Song with appropriate header files.
- Implement public methods in the UtPod class to:
- addSong(Song s)
- removeSong(Song s)
- shuffle()
- showSongList()
- sortSongList()
- getTotalMemory()
- getRemainingMemory()
- Implement public methods in the Song class to:
- set and get all instance variables
- overload ==, <,and > operators (used in sorting)
- for < and > use artist, then title, then size
- You may have one partner on this project. Your partner must be in the same recitation section.You must use GitHub to store your versions of source code (whether you have a partner or not).
- Your code must compile and run on kamek.ece.utexas.edu.
- The program must be modular and object-oriented, with significant work done by functions. Each function should perform a single, well-defined task. When possible, create re-usable functions. Do not write trivial functions such as a function to read a single value from an input file.
- Make sure you comment the header files well.
- Make sure you write a good driver to test the functionality completely. You will be graded on how well you tested the classes during the checkout.
Turn in: One zipped file that includes: UtPod.cpp, UtPod.h, Song.cpp, Song.h, UtPodDriver.cpp and a makefile
Upload: Turn in a zipped file named prog05_xxxxx.zip where xxxxxx is your UT EID to Canvas.
Be sure to follow the style standards for the course.
rlp 3/11/19