EE 312

Program Due: Tuesday 4/2/19 at 10:00pm

100 points

For this program we will be implementing the storage portion of the UtPod (the much smaller version of the iPod). The UtPod will be storing the following information:

You will create your own header file for the Song class. Here is the header for the UtPod.

You will create your own driver program (examples will the shown in class). This one should work with your code to get started.

The following code should work as a makefile.

Things you should do:


Turn in: One zipped file that includes: UtPod.cpp, UtPod.h, Song.cpp, Song.h, UtPodDriver.cpp and a makefile

Upload: Turn in a zipped file named prog05_xxxxx.zip where xxxxxx is your UT EID to Canvas.

Be sure to follow the style standards for the course. 


rlp 3/11/19